The Anguilla House of Assembly on September 6, 2022, approved a Motion for the exemption from custom duty and excise tax on hybrid and electric vehicles imported to Anguilla.
The Honourable Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr Ellis Webster, made the Motion in an effort “to increase energy security in Anguilla by transforming the type of energy consumed – and reducing fossil fuel dependence.”
He noted that the government “is keen to support the transition, in the road transportation sector, from fossil fuel powered vehicles to those powered by electric technologies.”

There were no objections to the Motion voiced by members of the Assembly. However, discussion on the merits and substance of the Motion provided an added perspective.
House Member, Mr Kyle Hodge, noted: “I also rise to support this Motion. I commend the government on this move. The removal of custom duty and excise tax on the importation of these smart vehicles is a good thing. More and more, people are realising the need to cut back on fossil fuels, and the need to be more environmentally friendly.
“I would also encourage and support the increase of duties on old gas vehicles. I would encourage the Government to bring back something to the House to increase the duties based on the age [of a vehicle] – unless it is a classic vehicle that someone wants to have on show.”
Mr Hodge indicated that older vehicles that are imported to Anguilla are only in use for a few years “before they go to Corito (dumpsite) or stay on the side of the road, and are used for parts.”