Approximately 37 primary school students from the six (6) public primary schools on Anguilla recently participated in a Debate Training Camp organised by the Anguilla Community College in partnership with the Department of Education. The camp was held at the Teachers’ Resource Centre over the course of Monday 22nd August through to Friday 26th August 2022, and set the stage for the hosting of the first ACC Inter-primary Schools Debating Championships, slated for October as part of College Week 2022.
Participants in attendance comprised students who were selected by their schools to represent them in the upcoming championships. They benefitted from the knowledge and expertise of a number of persons known to have either debated in the past, coached, and/or assisted with the preparation of school-related debates at national and regional levels. In this regard, a number of sessions related to the art of debating were held following a planned schedule.
The session on Monday 22nd introduced students to the concept of Debating and was conducted by Mrs. Rita Celestine-Carty. On Tuesday 23rd, students benefitted from a session entitled “Debate Structure: How a Debate is Organised”. Mr. Dwayne Adams conducted this session. Wednesday

24th saw Mrs. Mikeela Skelleie-Cunningham, Mr. Colin Johnson, and Mrs. Dayna Connor, dealt with “Debate Techniques and Presentation Skills”. On Thursday 25th facilitators guided students, in small groups, on the actual preparation for a debate including coaching and giving them tips on how to research a topic and execute it. On the final day, Friday 26th, students engaged in mock debates, applying all that they learned about debating throughout the week. They were each given immediate feedback on his/her performance by the facilitators.
The camp culminated with a soft launch of the Debating Championships and an official handing over of the sponsorship cheque by Mr. Dexter Ward, Manager of Sol Anguilla, the official sponsors of the event.

Dr Michelle Queeley
Dean of Studies at the Anguilla Community College, Dr. Michelle Queeley, has hailed the recently held ACC’s Inter-primary Schools Debating Training Camp as a tremendous success. Dr. Queeley, who was at the forefront of the planning and execution of the camp, observed:
“This camp was designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are necessary for them to debate effectively,” she said. I was especially pleased with the large turnout of students, the enthusiasm that they displayed during the sessions, as well as the overwhelming support of parents and the wider school communities.”
Looking beyond the competition, she highlighted the long-term aims of the Debating championships as:
1. fostering students’ interest in issues that affect them;
2. developing students’ critical thinking, research, oral and written communication skills; and
3. promoting school pride and friendly competition.
“The ACC,” Dr. Queeley said, “looks forward to a large turnout of the general public to the debates in support of the students’ efforts in October.” She is very grateful to Sol Anguilla for their kind sponsorship of US$5,000, and she looks forward to their continued partnership with the Anguilla Community College.
More information about the upcoming championships will be shared with the public in due course.