On Tuesday, 24th May, Mrs. Shellya Rogers-Webster was elected to replace Evans McNeil Rogers in the House of Assembly. She is now the elected representative for The Valley North District, having won the most votes in all four polling stations at the Orealia Kelly Primary School, Shellya won an all out victory, with a wide margin, against her opponents, the APM’s Courtney Morton, and Independent candidate, Dr. Lanny Hobson.
In the House of Assembly, the results revealed at about 8:30 p.m., Tuesday evening, that the winner of the seat was indeed Mrs. Shellya Rogers-Webster with 632 votes. In second place was Mr. Courtney Morton, with 194, followed by Dr. Lanny Hobson with 163 votes.
Throughout the course of the day, indications were that the electorate turnout would be rather low, as residents of Valley North approached the polls to cast their vote in sparse numbers. The polls had opened at 6 o’clock that morning, and by all accounts, it was reported that the longest queues of voters turned out between the hours of 6:00 and 7:00 a.m. Most likely, those were hotel workers who were heading out to their 7:00 to 3:00 shifts.
By late afternoon, voters were still turning out only in ‘dribs and drabs’.
At least 100 yards away from the polling stations, were three tents under which the supporters of the three respective candidates sauntered about, chatted, and ate goodies prepared just for the occasion. More importantly, in these tents were kept voters’ lists which were monitored periodically by the candidates’ supporters as persons cast their votes. But if the number of supporters under these tents were any indication of pending victory, Shellya’s AUF camp appeared most promising.
The polls closed at 7:00 and the candidates’ supporters followed the van with the ballots and electronic voting machines to the House of Assembly, eager to know the outcome. When Returning Officer Lauren Bryan announced the results in favour of Shellya Rogers-Webster, many folks in the gallery burst into a frenzy of hilarious cheers. The jubilant mood led outside on the grounds of the House where, for most, the atmosphere was one of rejoicing.
It turned out, though, that out of the 2,182 eligible Valley North residents, only about 989 voted – a mere 45%.
The Anguillian reached out to Mrs. Rogers-Webster, and asked her to express her impressions on her magnificent victory. She responded: “I’m emotional, humbled and extremely grateful for the overwhelming display of support shown at the polls on Tuesday.
“It is obvious that the people believe in me and the vision that I have for Valley North and Anguilla. I will do my very best to serve them with dignity, humility and honesty. To the constituents of District 3, your very own is ready to serve you and Anguilla at the next level.”
The Anguillian also received a favourable response from Shellya’s predecessor, Evans McNeil Rogers. He had this to say: “I am pleased and satisfied to know that Shellya is prepared socially and professionally and is able to deliver. Let me say thanks to the residents of Valley North who chose to vote for her.
“There is no doubt that Shellya is very articulate with a brilliant mind. With her skills, she is destined to develop into one of our great legislators of all times. I am mindful of the fact politics is a difficult discipline. One must be committed, and I know that Shellya has that commitment towards this cause.
“I will be here to assist her as she goes through this journey. I will continue not only to support Shellya, but to support the entire Anguilla United Front. Anguilla has her brightest days ahead of her. But we must be able to elect people who are prepared to lead us in these difficult times. There is no doubt, in my mind, that Shellya has prepared herself to be such a leader.”
Mr. Rogers continued: “I admonish the people of Valley North to keep her in your prayers, and continue to do what you can to assist her as she works hard to deliver, not only for the people of Valley North, but for Anguilla in general.
“I am very pleased to have handed over the reins to Shellya and I know that she has crafted out a productive pathway in her representation of the people of Valley North.
In addition, the paper requested a comment from Opposition Leader, Cora Richardson-Hodge, with whom Shellya will sit on the opposition side of the aisle. She was happy to respond: “As leader of the Anguilla United Front, I wish to congratulate Mrs. Shellya Rogers-Webster on her successful win in the recent Valley North by-elections. This win bodes well for Anguilla’s future. Mrs. Rogers- Webster has prepared herself, and is dedicated to serving her constituency – and working toward the development of her country.
“Thank you, Valley North, for the faith and trust that you have placed in Mrs. Shellya Rogers Webster and, by extension, the Anguilla United Front.
The Anguillian extends congratulations to Mrs. Shellya Rogers-Webster as she will now be serving her people as the newly elected Representative for the Valley North District.