A ceremony for the official opening of the redeveloped Airport Road was held on Monday morning, 16th May.
The original road, which was in need of serious repairs for many years, was closed off to the public in early April when its redevelopment began following the completion of work on the Carter Rey Boulevard.
Prayers at the opening ceremony were offered by Rev. Wilmoth Hodge of the Methodist Church. He prayed that the drivers who use the roadway would be kept safe and protected from accidents by the angels of God.
Road Engineer, Mr. Shaynis Connor, gave an overview of the newly developed road: “The Airport Road is a strategic class one road,” he said. “It forms the main access into the Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport. Consistent with the need for sustainable resilient infrastructure, the Airport Road has been constructed with a six-inch thick reinforced fibre concrete surface on a 30-inch base layer.
“This is predominantly a two-lane road with a dedicated third lane which has been provided at the roundabout area for traffic turning right into the Carter Rey Boulevard. The road measures 335 metres long and 7 metres wide.”
He said that surface drainage is provided by channeling water under the sidewalks, on the north side, to benefit the adjacent farmlands. He also said that in order to mitigate against severe flooding, three culverts have been installed at strategic points, on the south side, to allow storm waters to pass under the road. He noted that the reconstruction of the road began in April and was completed within one month.
The CEO of the Anguilla Air and Sea Port Authority (AASPA) is Mr. Sherman Williams. He briefly commented: “On behalf of the Board of AASPA, our management and staff, particularly the ones at the Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport, I would like to say congratulations to the engineers who have constructed such a fine roadway.”
This is a welcome venture for us,” he said. “It will add to the aesthetics and the pleasing atmosphere of the airport. We would like to extend gratitude to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the UK, the Governor’s Office, as well as the Government of Anguilla – and particularly the Ministry of Infrastructure. I also thank the private sector stake holders for their contributions toward its construction. This is a proud moment for all of us. It will serve toward enhancing our airport. Thanks once again.”

The Honourable Minister of Infrastructure, Mr. Haydn Hughes, made comments as well: “We would not be here today, marking the opening of this, another important road, if it was not for the support of the Honourable Premier, Dr. Ellis Webster and his cabinet – as well as the support of Her Excellency the Governor, Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam, and her team. Neither would we be here without the Ministry of Finance and my team at MICHU. At this time, I would like to single out the Permanent Secretary, Mr. Karim Hodge, Mr. Bancroft Battick, Mr. Shaynis Connor, Ms. Christine Irish, and Ms. Feiona Wilkinson, all of whom have contributed to making this venture of the reconstructed Airport Road a reality.
“I have a special team in the Ministry, and I am grateful to them all because those are the ones who guide, advise and assist me in everything that we seek to do.
“I would also like to commend Mr. Cleve Richards, of Richards Architecture, because before we were even sure that we had the financial wherewithal to redevelop this road, he was on it with measurements and designs. So to you, Mr. Richards, I say thanks.”
He also complimented the hard work of Mr. Calvert “Junie” Fleming, of Industrial Equipment Ltd., for his hard work and the diligent interest that he showed in the construction of the road. Among others, Minister Hughes thanked Brother B of Bee’s Construction, and Glenford “Power” Hughes of Sunrise Construction, for the actual building of the road. He thanked all the workers who gave of their time and support to making the project come to fruition.
The Honourable Premier, Dr. Webster, also made remarks: “It is a pleasure to be opening another road once again. This is certainly a physical manifestation of the work that this administration is doing. I too would like to thank the generous UK taxpayers who have contributed to this road through the Foreign Commonwealth Development Office.
“I would also like to express thanks to the Governor’s Office. I would like to also say thanks to those people of Anguilla who contributed in every which way to get this road done in short order.”
The Honourable Deputy Governor, Mr. Perin Bradley spoke on behalf of the Governor, Her Excellency Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam, who was unable to attend. He said: “As an Anguillian, I am extremely proud of the work and ingenuity that went into this road – from its design to its construction. I think all of us, as Anguillians, should be prideful in this completed venture here today. This road is definitely the gateway passage to Anguilla and, in time to come, all significant roads in Anguilla will be upgraded to this standard.”
He, too, commended the staff at MICHU for the consistent work that they had been doing on projects of this kind.
The ceremonial ribbon cutting which symbolised the opening of the road, was done by the Honourable Dr. Ellis Webster, Deputy Governor Perin Bradley, the Honourable Haydn Hughes and Permanent Secretary, Mr. Karim Hodge.