Malachi Sonson beamed with pride as he clutched the medals hanging down his neck. He had just completed an impressive race and won the first-place medal for his participation in his school’s annual Sports Day event.
Malachi ran over to his parents to share the medal of his latest accomplishment with them. He said: “Look, I have all [of] these!”
His mother gave him an enthusiastic ‘high-five’ and embraced him tightly.
She spoke briefly about the day, noting that it was so good to get the kids to be active. “It is a wonderful time for them to get out and play, enjoy themselves and have fun,” she observed.
Another parent added: “This is such a wonderful thing for the little kids. I am glad they are able to come out and enjoy this after going through all the COVID trauma of being in lock down, out of school, then back in school but wearing masks – and being so careful around their friends. This [Sports Day] is really, really good to see.”
One dad said: “I really appreciate today – the kids are making so much beautiful music.”
As an observer, I couldn’t help but hear the “music of the medals” as the children ran around the grassy field, playing with the clinking medals. It was obvious that the young children were enjoying the activities of this Sports Day.
Sports Day is a typical event generally held once a year in most schools. Students, parents, teachers, family and friends look forward to enjoying the day full of excitement, fun and games – celebrating the athletic feats and competitive spirit.
The impact of COVID-19 placed a damper on Sports Day 2022 in Anguilla, and has forced the Ministry of Education and the Education Department to cancel the annual event for the 2021-2022 school year.
However, most schools are finding creative ways to capture the spirit of Sports Day and salvage some aspects of the day to celebrate and honour the students’ athleticism and competitiveness.
Prophecy Preschool celebrated its athletes on Friday, March 25, with an impressive display of school spirit, sporting events, food and family fun. Malachai Sonson and his schoolmates would have it no other way.
The Anguillian newspaper was there to capture a glimpse of the school spirit displayed on the grounds at the Agricultural Department.