On Sunday, April 17th, parishioners of the Dominion Faith Church in the Valley, pronounced a spirit of Easter worship and praise observing the memory of the resurrection, proclaiming that Christ has ‘risen indeed’.
During the service, Pastor Joel J. Harrigan, preached on the stone that was rolled away from the tomb where Christ was laid.

“Jesus was laid in the tomb on Friday afternoon,” the Pastor noted, “and he stayed there enclosed behind a large stone with which the Roman soldiers used to seal the grave. But early on Sunday morning something dramatic happened…Jesus burst the tomb asunder, the stone was rolled away, Christ came forth from his cell of death, rising up triumphantly over the grave.
“Upon the stone sat an angel who asked those women who had come to anoint Christ’s body: ‘Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, for He is risen.’ Yes, He was risen indeed.
The power of Jesus’ resurrection rolled that mighty stone away, gives the Christian hope – hope that all those who die in Christ shall also burst the tomb asunder by that same power of Christ’s resurrection.