Mrs. Cora Richardson-Hodge and Mr. Evans McNiel Rogers
On Monday afternoon, 11th April, in a display of national pride and patriotism, Mrs. Shellya Rogers-Webster accepted the baton delivered to her by the outgoing Anguilla United Front member, Evans McNiel Rogers, former representative of The Valley North constituency.
The event took place at Mary’s Bakery, in The Quarter, a site that Mrs. Rogers-Webster holds dear to her heart. The bakery is one of the landmarks of Shellya’s upbringing, where she assisted her grandmother, the late Mary Rogers, with her daily business tasks.
In turning over the reins to his successor, Mr. McNiel Rogers said: “This is a rather bitter-sweet moment, but it is one of which I am pleased. I tendered my resignation, [from the House of Assembly], to the Governor on April 1st, making way for a by-election in The Valley North constituency, which will be on May 24th.
“I have taken the step to vacate my post in the active political process for the time being…and I have taken the step to welcome Shellya. I admire the courage and commitment that she has demonstrated, so far, in terms of setting out to represent Anguilla. It is indeed a sacrifice.
“I have known Shellya since her formative years as being part of this establishment, working along with her grandmother as a young child. I know that both her deceased grandmother, as well as her late father, would be proud of the step that she has taken to represent Anguilla.”
Mr. Rogers noted that Shellya was an integral part of his political cell during his campaigns. He remarked that she along with a number of other young individuals were quite active in promoting his own candidacy and advancing his political agenda.
He then said, “Due to her acquaintance with the political process, as the candidate for Valley North, she would not be experiencing anything new. The constituency is not new to Shellya, and she is not new to it. She is acquainted with the voters’ list and all that the election process entails. So, I want to welcome you, Shellya, and I thank you for accepting the position as the Candidate to replace me in the Number 3 constituency, Valley North.”
Reading from his formal handover document, Mr. Rogers declared: “The time has come for me to handover the baton to a new face – to a younger individual, a well-rounded individual, a well educated individual – one who is intelligent and much more technologically savvy than I am, and one who is much better prepared than I was when I entered politics in 2005.”
In accepting the candidacy, Mrs. Rogers-Webster said: “It is a distinct honour to be at the centre of history-making this afternoon, at this location (in Valley North), being named the official United Front candidate to represent constituency Number 3 in the upcoming 2022 by-election for Valley North. This is a community that has helped to raise me.
“The community of Valley North has stood in the gap for me more times than one can imagine. It is a community that is my own. I therefore accept the baton from my mentor with much humility. Today, I am coming to the Valley North constituency, not as Shellya, the academic, but as a candidate who is deeply committed to community. I come to you as a candidate with a local heart and a global vision.
“I am a candidate who believes in public service, and I have demonstrated that belief not only in speech, but in action. Simply put, I am a doer, and I am ready and willing to serve the people at this political level.
“Over the next six weeks, I intend to use every available medium to share the vision that I have for the next three years as a member of the Opposition – as well as my vision for District 3 and Anguilla as a whole, once given the opportunity to serve at a ministerial level.”
Shellya then extended a plea to the people of the Valley North constituency: “I appeal to you, my dear people of Valley North, to choose ‘a doer’. Choose a candidate who is unafraid to make tough decisions. I am a candidate who will be always willing and able. I am a candidate who has always advocated training and education for the youth of the district and for Anguilla in general. I am indeed committed to enhancing the quality of life of our citizens through financial literacy, mentorship opportunities, school feeding programmes, the establishment of a district base, and so much more.”
“I am prepared,” she said. “I am ready to take off in providing service to you, the people of Valley North. I come to you with some experience, and I am deeply committed to you to give you solid representation. I am your girl. I am Shellya – born, raised and supported in this district all my life.
“So on Election Day on May 24th 2022, you will have one opportunity, one choice and one vote. I humbly ask that you give that one vote to me – Shellya Rogers-Webster, the AUF candidate for this district’s by-elections. Thank you!”
Over the cheerful noises and applause from those in attendance, Opposition Leader, the Honourable Cora Richardson-Hodge commented with a broad smile: “Wonderful, wonderful, Shellya. Thank you much! On behalf of the Anguilla United Front, as party leader, I want to officially welcome you in your capacity as the newest candidate of the Anguilla United Front, and I know that you have the ability, the skill and the love of the people. I trust that you will be successful in this endeavour, and in the future.”
Towards the end of the event, The Anguillian spoke with Former Leader of the AUF, the Honourable Mr. Victor Banks. He was asked what his impressions were as regards Shellya’s speech.
He responded: “Well, I am so proud of Shellya. She reminds me of where I began. I began in politics as a very young man. It was at a time when youth may not even have been embraced for leadership of a country, the way it is embraced now. But, certainly, I had the opportunity to learn from persons who would have served and who were rooted in the causes of Anguilla’s development. Going back to the Revolution, the Honourable James Ronald Webster was one of the persons who embraced me.
“But by the way that Shellya has presented herself today, she has outshone most of the young people that I have encountered who have an interest in politics. She has shown that she has the ability to respond to the issues. I believe she is ready to go. She has thought her way out well, and I do believe that she is ready for the challenges.”