In his 2022 Budget Address to the House of Assembly on January 4, 2022, the Honourable Premier and Minister of Finance and Health, Ellis L. Webster, MD, presented the following regarding funding for the operation of the Governor’s Office and its departments – for the year 2022:
The 2022 recurrent expenditure budget for Her Excellency the Governor’s Office, and departments, is EC$30.61 million. This represents an increase of 3.29 % or EC$1.80 million above the 2021 approved budget of EC$28.81 million.
The increase is partly due to the establishment of a new department – the Financial Intelligence Unit; additional professional and consultancy resources in the Attorney General’s Chambers; and additional officers for the Royal Anguilla Police Force and Her Majesty’s Prison. The 2022 recurrent expenditure will be used to:
1. Improve Administration and Delivery of Public Services. The re-institutionalisation of a Performance System, as well as the digitalisation of operations to improve timeliness of service delivery across the Anguilla Public Service. These will commence this month.)
2. Enhance Safety and Security. Funding will become available to enhance the personnel complement of the Royal Anguilla Police Force.
a. The RAPF intends to introduce a new Community Policing Team; identify resources to assist in providing border security; develop intelligence capabilities; and invest in training, technology and equipment to pursue the most dangerous criminals.
b. We will continue to improve prison facilities and programmes, providing virtual visits for those incarcerated to communicate with family and friends.
c. We will establish the Financial Intelligence Unit (‘FIU’) as a separate department within the structure of the Government of Anguilla. The FIU will be responsible for the receipt, analysis and dissemination of financial intelligence, as well as the investigation of terrorism and financial crimes.
3. Build Disaster Resilience. In order to further develop a robust communication platform, the Department of Disaster Management will continue to engage with social media personnel- and use the wider array of available avenues to ensure the information is wide reaching. The department will lead the promotion of Business Continuity Planning – at all levels – and improve capacity to deliver services and continue operations following disruptive incidents.