The Anguilla Community College (ACC) is pleased to announce the launch of its new GIFT A SKILL campaign with its first institutional partner, Thoughtful Digital Agency.

The GIFT A SKILL Campaign is a systematic way for small businesses to support Anguillians, especially youth, who may be interested in tertiary education but are unable to fund the full cost of their education. GIFT A SKILL is also an opportunity for businesses and individuals to support training for their staff, their loved ones or any person in the community.
Typically, we tend to think of a skill as either manual or technical. We tend to separate skills from traditional education, but a skill can be so much more! The Merriam-Webster English dictionary defines a skill as “the ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice”. In other words, we can learn how to do all sorts of things and this is what the GIFT A SKILL campaign seeks to promote.
There are so many skills that can be developed by taking courses at the Anguilla Community College. Some persons want to learn how to become an effective entrepreneur, or how to best supervise and lead a team. Others might be interested in preparing tasty sushi, or baking pastries. Some may want to know the secrets of preparing good minutes, while others may prefer to learn about construction and electrical installation. Each of these requires learning and doing; each of these is a skill. Skills empower learners to actively participate in the economic and social life of Anguilla.
Thoughtful, is a digital marketing agency, co-founded by Mrs Tahirah Banks-Webster and Mr Steve ‘Gino’ Webster. The company managed the College’s marketing initiatives from 2018 to June 2021 and has remained a strong supporter of the College. Because it is a marketing company, Thoughtful has pledged a total of US$1,000 to support four (4) persons interested in the College’s new Pearson BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Marketing. Applicants could receive US$250 scholarships, which is almost half of the cost of this programme. The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Marketing runs from February to June 2022 and successful candidates will achieve an internationally accredited BTEC certificate at a level equivalent to CXC CAPE.
But the GIFT A SKILL campaign applies to all of ACC’s programming. Individuals, senior executives and businesses are being invited to consider the GIFT A SKILL campaign as an effective way to develop staff or to give back to the community. The ACC is ramping up its efforts to find other businesses and individuals who are willing to support learning and skills building in any of the areas that the College teaches. Conversely, ACC also encourages those whose new year’s resolutions are for personal and professional development to commit wholeheartedly to learning new skills.
For more information about ACC’s programme offerings, donating to the GIFT A SKILL campaign, or applying for the Thoughtful Digital Agency GIFT A SKILL scholarship, contact the Office of the Registrar at Anguilla Community College at, (264) 498-8395/ 497-2538 or WhatsApp (264) 476-8395.
– Press Release