
Two swindlers arrive at the capital city of an emperor who spends lavishly on clothing at the expense of state matters. Posing as weavers, they offer to supply him with magnificent clothes that are invisible to those who are stupid or incompetent. The emperor hires them, paying them lavishly, and they set up looms and go to work. A succession of officials, and then the emperor himself, visit them to check their progress. Each sees that the looms are empty but pretends otherwise to avoid being thought a fool. `finally, the weavers report that the emperor’s suit is finished. They mime dressing him and he sets off in a procession before the whole city. The townsfolk uncomfortably go along with the pretense, not wanting to appear inept or stupid, until a child blurts out, “The emperor is naked!”. The people then realize that everyone has been fooled. Although startled, the emperor continues the procession, walking more proudly then ever. We’re familiar with this well-known story, The Emperor Has No Clothes.
The sheer ridiculousness of this tale is surpassed only by reality. Indeed, truth is stranger than fiction. Activists, courts and governments are decreeing that two men or two women have the right to “marry” each other, and the masses mimic the declaration of insanity. ‘It’s natural, it’s love, it’s a human right!”, they declare, and the intimidated multitudes mutter the same. But put 40 “married” men couples or 40 “married” women couples on a deserted island with unlimited food and water supplies but no interventions of science like sperm or egg donation – only nature rules. 80 years later? Everybody dead, dead, dead. Creator God who joined man and woman in the first marriage and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply would sadly say, “I told you so”. Or the other god, worshipped by many – evolution – would scornfully say, “I warned you it’s all about the survival of the fittest”. But put 40 married couples of men and women on same island and 80 years later…
To keep the emperor’s naked parade a pleasing affair the people must embrace the lie. Therefore, it’s no surprise that in last week’s edition the FDCO reiterated the lie! So the learned attorney, magistrate, judge, who, fervently in print, on radio and at townhall meetings repeated the delegation’s words misrepresented what was actually said? In a spirit of integrity Mr Mitchell admitted he was wrong in The Anguillian edition of October 19, in which he confessed that it was because, in part, he trusted the words of the FDCO attorney in the UK delegation of November 2019!
Thoughtful reader, in the Conference room on the third floor of the Government Building, I heard the senior member of the team, Mr. Pile, say that as a signatory to rulings of the European Convention on Human Rights/international law, the UK was obligated to ensure that “gay marriage” or its “functional equivalent” be provided for via the ongoing constitutional reform. I immediately googled on my phone the said rulings of the ECHR and shared from the following.
11. The Court examined for the first time the issue of whether two persons who are of the same sex could claim to have the right to marry in the case of Schalk and Kopf v. Austria and found that Article 12 of the Convention did not impose an obligation on the respondent States to grant same- sex couples access to marriage. While there was no Convention right to same-sex marriage, the Court allowed for the possibility that, in accordance with the Convention’s character as a “living instrument”, the right to marry enshrined in Article 12 might not in all circumstances be limited to marriage between two persons of the opposite sex. However, as matters stood at the material time, the question whether or not to allow same-sex marriage was left to regulation by the national law of the Contracting State (Schalk and Kopf v. Austria, 2010, §§ 61-62).
12. This approach was also upheld in subsequent cases (Ha?ma?la?inen v. Finland [GC], 2014; Oliari and Others v. Italy, 2015; Chapin and Charpentier v. France, 2016).
I do distinctly recall him looking rather taken aback…But the UK’s Mission Coercion forged on. Anguilla will recall the united opposition at the crowded public consultation at the Church of God (Holiness), where I serve as pastor. So resolute, so defiant were the people in refusing to believe the lie that inserting the penis into an exit, aye, the place where feces comes out, bacteria reign as king, and HIV ruthlessly punishes the nature violators, is natural and beautiful enough to knight it with marital status – yes, so brave and bold were we Anguillians that Mr. Pile lost his British diplomat’s cool and snapped! Yessiree he did, did he. He told us all that if we don’t legalize gay marriage or its functional equivalent, we would have to go independent. Take it or leave it.
Cayman Islanders who were battered into submission by Governor Roper’s imposition of gay civil unions were shocked by this same press release in The Anguillian. Why? Because they were told the same, er, “less than the truth” – the same lie (and I quote from the submitted article from Bishop Nicholas Sykes): ‘The Governor said that the UK “had no option but to step in to ensure that we comply with the rule of law and international obligations under the terms of the European Convention on Human Rights.”’ Bermuda was told the same thing. The BVI too. Turks & Caicos too. Monserrat too. Hmmm…So the lie is told here, there and everywhere. The truth is simply this: the UK government is determined that gay so-called marriage or its functional equivalent be legalized in every single one of its BOTs. It lies by appealing to non-existing demands of international laws.
The fear-ruled multitude sings the praises of non-existent exquisitely designed royal garments and cheers the naked emperor on. But there be those who defy absurdity and self-degradation and declare, “The emperor is naked!”.
I briefly address the twisted reasoning that says, “to oppose gay marriage is promoting hatred and violence towards lgbtq”. Don Mitchell wrote an excellent article about two years ago opposing prostitution and human trafficking in Anguilla. I was impressed by his conviction and courage. Wouldn’t it be twisted and rabid to accuse him of promoting hatred and violence against the traffickers and men who pay these women for sex, and against the percentage of women who “choose” prostitution? Actually, provoked by his article, about 40 educated “modern” women met to discuss prostitution on Anguilla. The majority strongly spoke out for it being legalized and that Anguillian women should be given equal opportunity. You know, the naked emperor probably had the child arrested for being truthophobic.
Why the lie? Because the emperor is naked. Why the lie? Because it’s the only engine di plane got. Because they don’t want us to realize that men will have full rights to women’s bathrooms. Because the UK doesn’t want us to consider the absurdity of people being persecuted for being “transphobic” just because they can’t keep up with the gender pronouns of the 75+ genders. So if the skolisexual decides next month that zie, zim, zir, ziz, zieself is now a maverique or a neutrois, you had better learn the correct pronouns to address ve, ver, vis, vers, verself, and learn how to be tolerant and say “Per went to KFC. I gave it to per. Per got pers food from KFC. Per did that perself.” The emperor is naked!!!
Why lie? Because in the UK on October 13, 2001, Harry Hammond, a 60-year-old street preacher had a sign saying, “Jesus gives peace. Jesus is alive. Stop homosexuality. Stop lesbianism. Jesus is Lord”. He was physically attacked and beaten by a group of thirty to forty persons, including gays and lesbians. Police intervened and arrested the preacher only and charged him for breach of the public peace. At his hearings several of his attackers testified against him. Mr. Hammond was convicted, fined £300, and ordered to pay costs of £395. He died within a year of his attack from sustained injuries. That’s the vicious intolerance they don’t want us be aware of. The emperor is naked!!
People who are either disturbingly ignorant or supportive of perversion of children, malign those who warn of the indoctrination that comes with gay so-called marriage. Learn about the GAYBCs at QuirkBooks.com that introduces children to everything lgbtq. A UK teacher had her 6-year-old students imagine that they are a prince who is in love with his male servant and to write him a marriage proposal letter. It doesn’t get much sicker than that. A Caribbean PhD grandmother told me how her UK pro-lgtbq daughter-in-law told her 4-year-old son that if when he grows up and falls in love with a man, he can marry him. He said, “Mommy, I love my brother. Can I marry him?”
The fear-ruled multitude sings the praises of the non-existent exquisitely designed royal garments and cheers the naked emperor on. But there be those who defy absurdity and self-degradation and declare, “The emperor is naked!”. Pathetically, the naked emperor struts on. However, for us who know the truth and will not be intimidated into chanting the lie the one engine plane has crashed. Ti mash up.