The Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACOCI) hosted its first Lunch & Learn Event on October 15th, 2021, at Tropical Sunset Restaurant. The guest speaker for the event was Janine Edwards, successful businesswoman and entrepreneur from Sunset Homes. The highly anticipated topic for the event was Small Bites, Big Flavour…Simple habits businesses can embrace to create remarkable impact.
Attendees listened attentively as Mrs. Edwards in a clear, exuberant, and engaging manner, shared four free or affordable opportunities that attendees could immediately embrace and implement, in their business, to bring reward during the Covid19 pandemic and beyond. The Speaker shared current, specific examples featuring innovative ideas, products, and services from local businesses (old and new), and paid homage to the entrepreneurial and resilient spirit of Anguillians.
During her presentation, Mrs. Edwards highlighted ways in which local businesses have pivoted, or brought on-stream, new products and services to meet changing demands and circumstances.
The first point in her presentation encouraged businesses to embrace a game changer mindset. It was emphasised that the small size of many local businesses is an advantage as it enables businesses to quickly assess market conditions, shifting customer needs and take decisive action.
She shared three practical ways to do this:
1)Diversify – Develop different streams of income
2) Adopt new Keystone Habits – e.g., daily reading
3) Source Talent Flexibly – remote work, hire freelancers and more
The second practical tip highlighted the need for businesses to be tech-enabled and tech empowered to leverage increased effectiveness and efficiency. Businesses were reminded of the importance of customer connection. It was highlighted that, at the very least, a current website, responsive email and visibility on all social platforms are necessary tools for success.
The third point encouraged smart actions as it relates to tasks in the business. The Speaker underscored that tasks must be prioritised as it is not possible for businesses to do everything and be effective. Businesses must decide when it is necessary and what is necessary to delegate, defer, dump, or do immediately.
The final insight focused on connecting, creating, and collaborating. Mrs. Edwards shared:
“Embrace a mindset of abundance and not a mindset of scarcity. One company’s progress in Anguilla works for all our gain. We either get positive spillover effects or great inspiration about what we can do, with our unique stamp, in our own companies.”
Mrs. Edwards ended her presentation by encouraging further collaboration.
As a key final message, she shared, “Let’s nurture relationships among each other, let’s support each other’s business, let’s get creative and share spaces, assets, contacts, best practices to develop a world class professional network right here in little Anguilla.”
A passionate discussion followed the presentation. During the event, participants enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch provided by Tropical Sunset, and had the opportunity to win prizes. The event was well received.
The Anguilla Chamber of Commerce would like to say thank you to everyone who attended and participated in the event.
Written by Shellecia Brooks-Johnson