Well-known television journalist/owner of Kreative Communications Network (KCN), and Anguilla Diary Magazine Rebranded, Mr. Carlton Pickering, is furthering his services to the island.
He is now formally aligned with Digicel Cable Network in Anguilla with a Channel 4 digital studio – a transfer from analog TV.
He made the announcement at a press conference at Digicel’s Main Store in The Valley on October 1, as he celebrated KCN’s 25th Anniversary – and the launching of Anguilla Diary Magazine Rebranded.
He was commended for his work by Digicel’s Retail Store Supervisor, Ms Delvicia MacDonna, who delivered the opening remarks. “Digicel Anguilla is committed to being the premier cable service provider in Anguilla, and we are thrilled that KCN has been a committed partner for the past 25 years,” she told the gathering.
“KCN has been integral in broadcasting local programming and keeping Anguilla’s culture at the forefront in this digital age for 25 years. The network has served as a steppingstone for many of Anguilla’s TV and other media personalities through the creation of local programming, bringing news, health topics and world-class entertainment into our homes.
“We would like to give special thanks to Mr. Pickering for his dedication and hard work in maintaining the television channel, initially with Caribbean Cable Communications, and now here with us at Digicel Cable Network. KCN and Digicel are better together.”
Ms. MacDonna added: “We would like to publically congratulate Mr. Pickering on 25 years of dedicated service to the Anguillian community, and we look forward to even more exciting programming in the future.”
KCNTV’s Programme Producer and Host of Anguilla Diary Magazine, Ms. Rosanna Browne, said in part: “Although we are in a digital age, television still has its place and niche in the marketplace. Just like radio and the print media, television is still among the social media platforms and all the other digital and virtual programmes online.
“All we have to do – whether we are on radio, television or print – is to adapt to the changing times and to catch up in the digital age. That is exactly what KCN will be doing. We are going digital.”
Ms. Browne said that she had been on television for many years, producing the Anguilla Diary Programme, and was delighted that the public would soon be seeing her face again as the flagship of KCN’s Anguilla Diary Magazine Rebranded. “We would like to thank the Anguilla public for being with us for 25 years and all of the business enterprises which have supported KCN. Thanks to Digicel and Caribbean Cable, all our viewers locally and abroad, and those institutions which provided us with information….”
Mr. Pickering joined in thanking Digicel’s Management and Staff for their support. He said: “We started with All Island Cable before going over to Caribbean Cable Communications, and we are now with Digicel which took over from Caribbean Cable. The journey has been long and sometimes had its pain, but also its triumphs; and today we are celebrating 25 years of hard work.”
He also expressed thanks to his long-time associate, Mr. Carl Thomas – and Mr. Ivor Hodge, former Chief Information Officer at Radio Anguilla, for his photographic assistance over the years.
Mr. Nat Hodge, Publisher/Editor of The Anguillian newspaper, and a former Director of Radio Anguilla, spoke about Mr. Pickering’s early years in cable television and the close relationship that existed between the two media houses. He offered his best wishes to Mr. Pickering on the 25th Anniversary of KCN and his new endeavours.
Mr. Pickering, the television broadcaster, took the opportunity to announce KCN’s Anniversary Activities. They include a public quiz entitled, “What you know about KCN Television in Anguilla?” There will also be a short story, video and photo competition involving schools. The competition will be held from December 2020 to January 2021.
KCN’s 25th Anniversary Awards Ceremony & Prize-Giving will follow on February 27, 2022.