The UP-Girl activity for Monday, August 16th, consisted of a series of lectures under the theme “My Mind is My Business”. Lecturers included: Ms. Wenonah Lawrence who spoke on “Managing Personal Finances”; Naomi Williams who addressed the matter of teamwork through a lecture dubbed “We Achieve Great Things Together”; UP-Girl’s President, Sáaliha Abdur-Raheem, who spoke on “Fake Friends”; and Conlloyd Gumbs, Davon Carty, and Shamar Gaskin who comprised a panel expounding on “What Guys Want”.
During the course of the week, August 15th thru August 21th, each day the UP-Girl organization was busily involved in motivational activities that would help them to be equipped to face the challenges of life as developing young ladies. Most of the events for the week took place at the Teachers’ Resource Centre in The Valley.
The first event, the Sunday Service, was held at Kingdom Citizens Church on Sunday, August 15th, while the final day Saturday, August 21st, would see the conclusion ceremony at the Webster Park under the theme “It’s Only Up From Here”.
The Anguillian spoke to UP-Girl’s President, Sáaliha Abdur-Raheem, and asked her for her impression on the level

of participation in the programme this year. She observed: “I am beyond grateful for the opportunity afforded me to be able to execute UP-Girl for another year, especially considering the global Covid pandemic.
“It’s quite a blessing to be able to have our young females, including myself, engaged in discussions on an array of interesting and relevant topics. Of course, the sessions are tailored to be interactive. This year was the first time I presented, with my topic being “Fake Friends & Valuing Your Parents’ Love”. I get anxious when I have to hold a microphone in front of an audience, but I had to conquer my fears, and it was rewarding to see the engagement of so many girls — from the floor.
“This year, our prominent speakers included more males. Last year, we had only one male speaker, who was my father, Salih Abdur-Raheem. We thought it fitting, this time, to include a male panel discussion with the topic “What Guys Want” in order to help girls understand how guys think. The panelists were bombarded with questions from the girls, and I think it was a highly charged, rather impressive session.”
Sáaliha continued: “I am so thankful for all the speakers who have offered their time to us. They were willing to share their experience and impart insight on the topics which range from health, wealth, self-defense, fashion, anxiety and depression, public speaking, body image and more.
“I get emotional when I see what our team has done, and I am quite excited about the future of UP-Girl. With God’s grace and guidance, it will grow from strength to strength. As our motto goes, “It’s Only UP From Here!”