A new church building is to be constructed on the site of the former 34-year-old Shemei Tabernacle of Seventh-day Adventists, in Anguilla, which was destroyed by Hurricane Irma in September 2017.
A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Sunday, August 15, just south of the heaps of rubble from the old tabernacle. The event was attended by a large gathering from across the island but particularly from the Long Bay village area. It was there that the SDA message, and the early history of the church, began and was mainly spread to the eastern end of the island.
The history of the establishment of the SDA church in Anguilla was presented by Ms. Shirlene Hodge, who chaired the ceremony. The welcome remarks were given by Pastor Lester Jules who has responsibility for District 2 which includes Shemei Tabernacle, Long Bay; Jireh Tabernacle, South Hill – along with the Spanish Company there. The opening prayer was delivered by Pastor Howard Simon, Coordinator of the SDA Ministry in Anguilla – and responsible for Mount Fortune Church and the New Life congregation there.
The design concept of the new Shemei Tabernacle was presented by Elder Ernest Fleming, Head of the Building Committee and the son of the late Elder Samuel Fleming, one of the more recent founders of the SDA work in Long Bay. The new Tabernacle, which will have two floors, was designed by a Pakistani architect due to the high cost of architectural services in Anguilla, said Elder Ernest Fleming who is expected to lead the construction team. He acknowledged that the Hodges’ family of Long Bay had donated three additional acres of land to accommodate the Tabernacle.
The Elected Representative for District 7, West End and Long Bay, Mr. Cardigan Connor, expressed delight that Shemei Tabernacle was now to be rebuilt some four years following its destruction by Hurricane Irma. He spoke about the ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Long Bay, and in Anguilla as a whole, and was pleased to hear about its early history on the island. He offered his congratulations and best wishes to the Pastors, Elders and members of the five congregations in Anguilla.
The Homily was presented by Pastor Wilmoth James, Executive Secretary of the North Caribbean Conference and the Prayer of Blessing was delivered by the President of the Conference, Pastor Desmond James. They both spoke virtually from the regional headquarters of the Conference in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. During the homily, Pastor Wilmoth James urged the District 2 Pastor in Anguilla to ensure that the church building was erected without much delay.

The building of Shemei Tabernacle is being funded through various offerings and pledges from the membership of the church as well as other undisclosed sources. In addition, there was a special offering from the North Caribbean Conference made through its Treasurer, Mrs. Sandra McKenzie. The offerings and pledges at the ground-breaking ceremony were led by Ms. Roxann Burnett-Barrow.
Construction work on the tabernacle is expected to commence shortly – well away from the heaps of rubble from the old church building.