A number of cancer patients in Anguilla will be benefiting from free oncology clinics and other related services this weekend.
Here to provide the consultations are a team of consultants from the Cancer Centre of the Eastern Caribbean based in Antigua.
The team comprises Dr. Lalitha Scripathi, Clinical Oncologist; Mrs. Lucie Banakovska, Radio Therapist; and Mr. Henry Hazel, Chief Operating Officer. Their trip to Anguilla was organised by Mr. John Lake, President of the Anguilla Community Action Network (ACAN).
The Oncology Clinic on Friday, July 30, will be from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm at the Atlantic Star Centre of Medical Excellence at South Hill.
The clinic will be for patients being treated by the Cancer Centre; new referrals, and persons previously screened, and with labs and diagnostics for review.
On Saturday, July 31, there will be free breast & prostate cancer screening from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. The venue is also the Atlantic Star Centre of Medical Excellence.
The work of the visiting team is sponsored by the Anguilla Community Action Network.