The Conference Room, 2nd Floor of the Former NBA Building, was the venue for the induction sessions of the 2nd cohort of the new and continuing officers in the Anguilla Public Service.
The aim of the two half-day sessions, organised by Public Administration, was to familiarise the public officers with the Anguilla Public Service, its policies, practices and systems of operations, to nurture favourable attitudes about the service and, consequently, to inspire the officers to pursue excellence.
The officers were drawn from various ministries and departments in the Anguilla Public Service, including Education, Probation, HM Prison, Lands and Surveys, Fire and Rescue Services, House of Assembly, Inland Revenue, Economic Development, Treasury, Youth and Culture, General Post Office, Department of Social Development and Public Administration.
The lively and fully engaged participants were reminded of the Anguilla Public Service Leadership Statement, and were advised to embrace the elements of the statement and to live out the values embedded therein – be inspired about the work that they performed, be connected in their engagement and to empower one another to deliver.
The participants were encouraged to give their best and to work hard to become model public officers. Additionally, they were reminded that they had a very important role to play in assisting the Anguilla Public Service to carry out its mandate. Furthermore, they should keep ‘at the fore’ that as public officers they were in a position to influence policy and that could be done from any level.
The engaged and appreciative officers were eager to ask a number of questions pertaining to their employment in the Anguilla Public Service. Some indicated that the experience was enlightening and helpful. They were delighted to be given the opportunity to share in and benefit from the ‘information sharing exercise’.
Presentations over the two half-day sessions included topics such as Understanding Government and the Role of the Anguilla Public Service, Policies, Who is Who in the Service, Social Security and You, Expectations of Public Officers, Recruitment and Mobility within the Service, Your Finances/Retirement and You Pensions and Professionalism in the Workplace.
The main facilitators for the sessions included the Mr Perin Bradley – Honourable Deputy Governor, Mrs Rosanna Browne – Research and Development Officer, Social Security, Mrs Jacqueline Bryan-Niles – Director, Human Resource Management, Mrs Ornette Edwards-Gumbs and Mrs C Charmaine Rogers – Deputy Directors, Human Resource Management, Mrs Maria Hughes, Human Resource Management Officer and Mrs Monifa Gumbs, Public Service Pension Fund.
– Press Release