Tuesday morning, June 29th, marked the end of an era for some thirteen students of the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School in Island Harbour, as the Class of 2021 graduated in a lively ceremony under the theme, “Creating a Legacy of Success”. The event was held at the First Baptist Church in Welches.
Commonly known as the “beach school”, due to its close proximity to the water, the Island Harbour Primary is a pivotal point of daily schooling activity in the tightly knit community where everybody knows everybody. Patriotically prided by its students and faculty, as the “Home of the Green Gators”, the school is by far the smallest primary school on the island.
The graduation proceedings got underway shortly after 10 o’clock with a special prayer of invocation offered by Teacher Carol Webster. The National Song of Anguilla was sung by a group of students from the other classes, who also sang the School Song. Following this, a warm and cordial welcome was given by the school’s Principal, Mrs. Mavis Fleming-Drakes:
“It gives me great pleasure to welcome everyone here this morning to this very important occasion,” she said with an air of excitement. “It is the graduation ceremony of the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School. Amidst the trials of Covid-19, we can still thank God for being with us. We are truly blessed in Anguilla and we have to thank God for these blessings and for His mercies.”
“The students of Anguilla have been through quite a lot over the past year or so,” she reflected. “You, the parents, family members and teachers know all too well what it means to be there for these students. I am happy to know that everyone who is involved in these youngsters’ lives have stuck with them and supported them socially emotionally, spiritually and behaviourally…
…“So, today welcome you to our 31st graduation ceremony where we recognise the students who have gained the knowledge and skills to complete their primary schooling. As they have reached another milestone in their lives, they are now destined for high school — and we must endeavour to pray for them and encourage them along the way.”
Turning to the graduating class, she observed: “Graduation ceremonies are times for celebration and giving thanks, and I hope that you, the graduating class, would consider this event as a great success upon which you would choose to build. And to everyone here, I would like to say thank you for being a part of our audience. Let us all celebrate this day with rejoicing and thanksgiving.”
Teacher Laura Connor then introduced Mrs. Verlyndah Hodge, of Island Harbour pedigree, and a teacher at the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School, who delivered the Feature Address. During her deliberation she focused much on the success of the thirteen graduates.
She said in part: “By definition, the word success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Our elders used the tools they had and the circumstances they lived with, to be successful and to write their own stories. Whether it meant becoming a leader and guiding others, being a care taker for the ill and the disabled, or being like the lady who baked johnny-cakes for whoever would be her customers, our ancestors wrote their story of success with the tools they used. They chose the right tools for the job in order to succeed.”

As is customary, apart from certificates of completion, a wide array of other presentations was made to high-achieving students. These included the Delta Petroleum Award, the Hello Tourist Award, Tr. Kendra Brooks Award, Above and Beyond Award, the ICT Award, the Tr. Patsy Language Arts Award, Regal Farms Awards, the Palmavon Webster Award, and the Ms. Susan Webster Sports Award. In addition, another outstanding presentation was that of thirteen laptops donated by the community-minded icon, Mr.Orris Smith, who have been making such presentations each year.

Next, the audience was entertained and inspired by the graduates as they rendered a stirring song entitled, “Hall of Fame”. Tr. Jameisha Gardiner-Webster then introduced the Valedictorian, Alkia Fleming, who delivered an arousing, dramatic, and jovial graduation speech.
Ms. Fleming reflected on the way she first viewed online learning during the notorious lockdown. “It was very sudden and difficult,” she mused, “but we eventually got the hang of online schooling.” With regard to the pandemic, she noted: “Many of us faced personal challenges, some of which we still need to overcome. Although you can’t tell what someone is going through, yet a look on the face can tell the story.”
Still making reference to the pandemic, she said: “Fellow graduates, I know that many of you think you have went to hell; but brace yourselves for what might be more to come. Just walk with God and do not hesitate to celebrate small blessings.”
Following the Valedictorian Speech, and the song “Carry Your Candle” sung by a parent, Merlin Harrigan, the graduates sang yet again, for the last time, the song “This is Me”. Finally, the salutatorian, Miss Keronique Harrigan then presented the Vote of Thanks, and the graduatng Class of 2021 was introduced by the Mrs. Mavis Fleming-Drakes, the school’s Principal.
– Staff Reporter, James R. Harrigan