There has been a steady build-up of debris at Sandy Hill Bay over the past months, emphasing the need for cleaning to preserve the serenity of the beach.
The situation has now worsened considerably with the recent washing up of a large amount of sea moss or sargassum which is also littering other beaches in Anguilla.
Sandy Hill Bay is a relatively popular beach, attracting many residents and visitors. The sea moss, now spread out on the beach and muddling the inshore waters, is limiting visits there by the beachgoers.

While a number of locals, and some other persons from the Sandy Hill community, are known for their beach-cleaning activities there, one person has usually stood out for his voluntary work. That person who is now being missed, and remembered, is the late Mr. Jerry Mueller who was well-supported by his wife, Linda. They are the owners of a condo at the Sandy Hill Beach Club and have long been multi-repeat visitors from the United States.
Mr. Mueller, a real estate agent, from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, was a familiar personality seen raking the beach and piling up mounds of sea moss, and other debris, from the sea, for later removal.
Anguilla lost that assistance when Mr. Mueller, who had just left cleaning the beach on March 3, 2021, died suddenly at his residence close to the bay.
There is a need for more persons like him – both visitors and residents – to help to keep Anguilla clean and to show their love for the island.