The Blowing Point gateway, on the south coast of Anguilla, is expected to be a place of iconic beauty and development in the near future.
It is to boast a six-and-a-half million US-dollar ultra-modern Ferry Boat Terminal, related components and services, providing an impressive frontier and an open sea-link to the rest of the world. It will be a project that will fittingly tie in with Anguilla’s economic dreams of expansion and its expanding upmarket tourism industry.
The much able and respected Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Tourism, Mr. Karim Hodge, set the stage for the project’s groundbreaking ceremony on Monday, June 28, 2021. “The construction of the Blowing Point Ferry Terminal is long overdue and is a critical asset to the island’s infrastructure,” he told the gathering.
“It is one asset of the infrastructure that is tied to economic development,” he continued. “It is at the forefront that facilitates trade and investment which are vital to drive our tourism industry. This facility will be an iconic image on our landscape. It will represent Anguilla globally, and is one that is home-grown.” In his last phrase, he was referring to the proud fact that Anguillian Architect, Mr. Raoul Vanterpool, is the designer of the high class master plan.
Among those present were the Acting Premier, Mr. Haydn Hughes, other Cabinet members; Deputy Governor, Mr. Perin Bradley; Head of the Anguilla Programme in the Governor’s Office, Mr. Darren Forbes-Batey; the Engineering personnel in the Department of Infrastructure; the famed Anguillian Architect, Mr. Raoul Vanterpool of V Architecture Design Studio; and the Contractor, Mr. Leroy Gumbs of Leeward Construction.

Mr. Claudius Gumbs, of the Department of Infrastructure, delivered an overview of the project. “The Blowing Point Ferry Terminal is one of the last projects of the Anguilla Programme. As we know, it is funded by a grant from the United Kingdom Government,” he stated. “Although it is one of the last, it is certainly not the least in terms of its significance to the country, its contribution to the island’s infrastructure and the vital service the terminal will be providing for our guests coming to our island. When people come to our island, we want to greet them with a project that is capable of capturing their enthusiasm – and their interest – as they approach the island and something that will give them a feeling of…awe and splendour as they behold the iconic landmark that we are trying to create.”
Mr. Gumbs continued: “The building has been brilliantly designed by Mr. Raoul Vanterpool and his team. We have essentially almost twenty thousand square feet of space. It is designed a way to offer our guests a very seamless process as they check in and out. It is predominantly a one-storey building with a second storey that is designed to support offices for those who will be manging the port operations. The building is just breath-taking and beautiful.
“A team of engineers from the Ministry will be working very closely with the contractor and we are hoping that the project will be delivered ahead of schedule and on the budget. Those are two critical points that I am sure our partner – the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) – is keen on maintaining throughout this project.”
Project Architect, Mr. Raoul Vanterpool, said: “It has been an honour to be part of this important project and I want to thank the FCDO for giving us that opportunity and the confidence to deliver this project to Anguilla.
“When we set out on this journey, it was to make sure that we can deliver something that every Anguillian will be proud when they walk through this building. I hope that we achieved that. The feedback has been very well received and I know that this will make everybody proud.”
The contractor of Leeward Construction, Mr. Leroy Gumbs, an outstanding builder, close family-man and a well-known Christian gentleman, addressed the gathering. He spoke about Hurricane Irma which severely damaged the former Ferry Terminal in September 2017, leading to its demolition; the design plans before that; and the delays of construction before and after the hurricane. “We had everything in place, but we didn’t have the money to build,” he noted.
Mr. Gumbs went on: “Today, a way has been made for us to obtain the funds for our new state-of the-art building. We acknowledged the former Minister of Infrastructure [Mr. Curtis Richardson], who adopted the name of Minister of Demolition, and we say thank you. We acknowledge our former Governor [Mr. Tim Foy], our former Premier, [Mr. Victor Banks], who did a very good job negotiating with the British on our behalf. We say thank you. We acknowledge the effort of our current Acting Premier, the Hon. Mr. Haydn Hughes, Minister of Infrastructure and Tourism. He pushed real hard for the commencement of this project.
“Today, I am a proud Anguillian of Leeward Construction Company to take this vision forward. We have all the ingredients to bake the cake. We have the labour force; the equipment; the funds to build it and build we shall build.”
Mr. Gumbs added: “Thanks to God who brought us this far; to the Government of Anguilla for making us the choice contractor; to the British Government and the British taxpayers for their financial assistance; and to the Honourable Mr. Haydn Hughes.
“Today, I can proudly say that this project will start and finish. Our determination is that this will be one of the best Government projects. I remind myself of our mission and driving motivation that: ‘Our next project must be better than the last.’
Parliamentary Secretary, Tourism, Mrs. Quincia Gumbs-Marie, commented: “The development of the Blowing Point Ferry Terminal is a major step in Anguilla’s national development…We all remember how life was immediately after Hurricane Irma… And now, we stand here, this morning, as we look at our temporary building behind us – and we stand in the space where our new building will sit for generations to come.
“The need for improved points of access to Anguilla, both air and by sea, is very obvious. But in the absence of a fully [functioning] airport, the Blowing Point Ferry Terminal has stood the test of times and is responsible for sixty percent of our passenger arrivals. I am happy that we are gathered here to witness the ground-breaking of the new terminal which can, and will continue to, solidify its position as a port of economic and social significance in Anguilla.
“This new port will serve as a great point of access for our tourism product and it will definitely improve our tourism products by leaps and bounds. However, I am proud that incoming and outgoing Anguillians, and residents alike, can benefit from modern and comfortable facilities here in Anguilla. I hope that this Ferry Terminal can stand as a symbol of what we, as Anguillians, can achieve, but also a symbol that no matter how strong the storm, we as Anguillians will always emerge better and stronger.”
Acting Premier and Minister of Infrastructure and Tourism, Mr. Haydn Hughes, said: “We are here to break ground on what should have already been completed, but there is a saying that goes – ‘better late than never.’ Today, we are four days short of our first anniversary of this administration sitting in office – and I am humbled by the awesome responsibility the people of this district placed on me. I am deeply humbled by the confidence the Honourable Premier, Dr. Ellis Webster, bestowed upon me to lead the Ministry of Infrastructure over the past several days as Acting Premier of this beautiful island.
“We are here today because of the tenacity, dedication and hard work of Permanent Secretary – Karim Hodge – Claudius Gumbs, Shaynis Connor, Kendell Richardson, Bancroft Battick, Darren Forbes-Batey, Darrell Richardson, Carlyse Lake and Governor Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam. Without the aforementioned we would not be here at this critical point in the progress of our national development.
“This is a project that almost got away but, collectively, we were able to save the day. We seized on the moment and did the work to get it done…We seized the day to see that this important piece of product is secured and built. It would be remiss of me if I did not make it explicitly clear that this project needed strong leadership to see it through. The confidence placed in me and my team at MICUHT, and the creativity of Raoul Vanterpool of V Architecture Design Studio, demonstrates the ability of our people to produce top level products. We worked closely from scratch to be here today..”
The Acting Premier was grateful to the Procurement Officer, and others, “who ensured that the process was thorough, transparent, and delivered in a manner that can withstand all scrutiny. I thank you for your hard work, and I thank Mr. Leroy Gumbs of Leeward Construction on his successful bid.”
He added: “To the Governor’s Office, and to the FCDO, we thank you. I wish to thank the ferryboat operators who have been more than patient – and who have suffered more than everyone throughout this COVID-19 pandemic. We hear you. And the Premier, the Ministry of Heath, Cabinet and Her Excellency the Governor, are working hard to ensure that the service is restored in the safest and quickest manner possible.
“To our ground transportation – our taxi operators – hoteliers, villa managers, Airbnb, charter operators, AASPA, the Anguilla Hotel and Tourism Association, Charter Boat Operators and the Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and industry, we hear you. Together, we will seized the day and transform the delivery of services to enhance the product because tourism is key to our national development. To our loyal visitors and those who have not yet visited us, to the residents of Anguilla and the Anguillians in the Diaspora, we ask for your patience as we re-develop this area and construct a facility we all can be proud of. After that, we look forward to welcoming you to the new Blowing Point Ferry Terminal.
“To the people of Anguilla, in general, and to the people of Blowing Point, in particular, let’s seize the moment together and rise up and elevate this nation to the lofty heights our forefathers envisioned.”
Others who participated in the ground-breaking ceremony were Methodist Minister, Rev. Candis Niles, who delivered the opening prayer; and Mr. Kendell Richardson of the Department of Infrastructure who gave the Vote of Thanks.
Following the ceremony, Mr. Vanterpool, the Architect, told The Anguillian newspaper that the original size of the terminal building, of over 30,000 square feet, was reduced to about 17,000 square feet – but maintains its state-of-the-art beauty.
Further, according to a statement from the project contractor, Mr. Leroy Gumbs, he is hoping to commence construction work within two weeks.
Meanwhile, Mr. Darren Forbes-Batey, Head of the Anguilla Programme in the Governor’s Office, told the newspaper that the overall project –the Ferry Terminal and its various components – will cost an estimated six-and-a-half million US dollars.