On Wednesday afternoon, June 30th, forty-two Sixth Grade students of the Adrian T. Hazel Primary School marched down the aisle of the Church of God (Holiness) as its graduation ceremony got underway. This graduation, with its theme “Your Story isn’t Done; Your Best is Yet to Come”, was the 5th in a series of primary school graduations at the end of the school year.
The National Song was sung by Ms. Nakia Carty-Romney. This was followed with a prayer by Ms. Chevonne Da Souza. The ceremony was moderated by Pastor Rondy Isles-Carty.
The school’s principal, Ms. Tiffany Thomas, greeted the physical and virtual audiences on behalf of the school’s staff, and she extended hearty congratulations to the graduates: “Class of 2021, you are a testimony of hard work and perseverance. Congratulations! We are proud of you, and we need you to be proud of yourselves,” she stated.
The Principal continued:”This school was successful because of your unparalleled participation in its programmes. We saw the fruits of this when the Primary School Sports Day trophy came back to where it belonged after nine years in exile.” (Audience and graduates erupt in loud applause.) “We are now back to being the top school in sports,” she added.
Following the Principal’s address, the Keynote Speaker, in the person of Mr. Micah Connor, was introduced by Tr. Avecia Webster. He is currently in his second year of Sixth Form at the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School and his goal is to study medicine and become a pathologist.
“I would like to say a special greeting to the graduates,” Mr. Connor said, “as we are here to acknowledge their accomplishments. I would like to speak to you from the perspective of the next stage of your journey, which is your secondary level of education. All of you have already been grouped and allocated to various bands for high school. However, your story is not done.

“You are now embarking on the rest of your story, and this gives you the opportunity to improve yourself. So, that band three or band four that you are assigned to does not mean that there is where you must remain. Your objective must be to put in that additional effort, to work hard, and to persevere so that you can attain the standards of band two or band one.”
Following the Keynote Speaker’s address, it was time for awards. Several gifts, awards, and general certificates were presented to the graduates. As high-achievers many of the students were recipients of merit awards from individuals and entities in the community who have their educational development at heart.
Next, was the long-awaited speech by the Valedictorian, Mr. Timothy Monsanto: “We are here this evening to celebrate our accomplishments in both academics and athletics,” he said excitedly. “Classmates, we have worked hard and today is definitely a great day for celebrating. But we certainly could not have gotten to this moment all by ourselves. We had the help of the almighty God, our parents, teachers and close friends.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for the role they played in my upbringing and success. Our teachers have worked hard to help us, and I would like to thank them as well. During our tenure at the ALHCS, we will encounter many challenges, but it is important for us to remember that our best is yet to come, and there is no substitute for hard work. ”
After Mr. Monsanto’s speech, the theme song “Believe” was sung by the graduates. The salutatorian then gave the Vote of Thanks and the ATHPS Class of 2021 was proudly introduced by Ms. Tiffany Thomas, the Principal.
– Staff Reporter, James R. Harrigan