During my years of adolescence, there were four gentlemen that stood out in the realm of education in Anguilla, and upon whom, as a child, I was compelled to bestow the most lofty honour. These men, namely Calvin Hodge, Adrian Hazell, Vivien Vanterpool and Morris Vanterpool (affectionately known as Tr. St. Clair)) were all school principals in the nineteen sixties and seventies. That was an era when we would refer to their posts as “headmasters” rather than “principals”.
In the ears of the public, these gentlemen we generally addressed by their first names with the “handle” Teacher (Tr.), respectfully added for manners sake. All but Tr. Calvin, the headmaster of The Valley Boys School, are memorialised with the noble honour of having the school they governed to be named after them. And, had he been alive today, Tr. St. Clair would have celebrated his birthday on Tuesday, June 1st, the same day that school recently reopened.
Of these four educators, fate would have it that Tr. St. Clair died the most tragic death of all. I vividly recall that sunny February Sunday afternoon in 1976 when, as he was heading home eastward in his black Austin Cambridge car, he collided with another car heading west speeding on his side. Although the construction of the Austin was of a tougher quality than the car which struck it, Tr. St. Clair suddenly succumbed to injuries received from the impact. The community of The Farrington quickly became abuzz with cries of grief. It was one of Anguilla’s saddest times. A renowned principal was tragically lost.

from students
But at the Morris Vanterpool School last Tuesday morning, the teachers and students made the best of the occasion as they commemorated his life and legacy. Due to the physical distancing and mask protocols, there was no ceremonial celebration, as such, but the students paid tribute to this great stalwart of the school’s history.
Here is some pertinent information about Tr. St. Clair, according to a historic review of the school, then called the East End Primary School: “Mr. Morris Vanterpool was the first former pupil of the School to serve as its headmaster. He took up this position on April 7th, 1959. It was on January 10th 1974 that the pupils of the school were transferred to a new, more spacious building. Two years later, the Headmaster Tr. Morris died in a car accident. The sad event occurred on February 22nd, 1976.”
As a result of the damage to the building caused by Hurricane Irma, the school had to be transferred to a more convenient accommodation in the neighbourhood. The current Principal is Ms. Shauna Connor. Tr. Shauna gave a tribute in memory of Tr. St. Clair as follows:
“On behalf of the teachers and students of the Morris Vanterpool School, today I am filled with gratitude for the life, work and legacy of one of Anguilla’s prominent educators, an indispensable pillar of this school’s strength — Tr. St. Clair Vanterpool. Through his invaluable influence, he has affected the lives of many on this island in general, and in East End in particular.

“By all accounts, he was a kind and gentleman, and he never failed to make an impact on the upbringing of the students who passed through his hands. He is long gone but this school is an indelible testament to his memorable legacy. Today, we observe the memory of his birthday with a sense of pride. May his soul continue to rest in eternal peace.”
– Staff Reporter James R. Harrigan