A new Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) Course, Finance for Non-Financial Managers, is being offered by the University of The West Indies Open Campus Anguilla beginning April 12, 2021. The 30 – hour online course will run for a period of ten weeks.
The UWI Open Campus Anguilla realises that in today’s business world, especially during challenging economic and fiscal times, financial wisdom, accountability and prudence are expected at every organisational level. Middle and senior-level managers, within the public and private sectors, must know how to justify a request, quantify the contributions to the organisation, and identify and analyse variances in project budgets.
It is in this context that the course was designed and is being offered. The objective is to provide participants in their respective roles with a working knowledge of financial principles and their application that are essential for effective decision-making.
Participants will be taught how to interpret basic financial reports; utilise various accounting ratios to interpret the information contained in financial reports; translate plans into budgets; manage resources and budgets; utilise accounting tools and information to make better decisions for the organisation and sustain good financial practices.
The facilitator for the course is Mrs. Donna Daniels-Banks, an experienced Accounting and Financial Literacy Educator. She noted that, “Businesses and organisations communicate using figures and financial data – and taking such a course therefore is a means of equipping managers who may have a limited financial background to make better decisions and operate at a higher standard of performance. Participants will be better equipped for other job opportunities and, even more importantly, benefit from a greater sense of confidence and fulfilment. The value of learning cannot be undervalued. And a course of this nature will add significant value.”
The CPE course provides the opportunity for participants to get a practical understanding of finance and how it works to make a business work.
Interested persons are asked to contact the UWI Open Campus Anguilla at 264-497-8156 or anguilla@open.uwi.edu for more information or to register.
– Press Release