In keeping with regular protocol, the Department of Public Administration this week conducted two half-day sessions to facilitate a customary Teachers’ Induction Programme (TIP). Both sessions took place at the Teachers’ Resource Centre on April 8th and 9th from 8:00 to 12:00 noon each day.
The purpose of this induction programme was to have all relatively new teachers of the six public primary schools and the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive school become more familiar with the policies and procedures of teaching in the Anguilla public service. Thus, all new educators would have been able to benefit from the information and guidance disseminated by the facilitators. The TIP is an annual event geared towards the smooth operation of the teaching profession in Anguilla.
Deputy Director of Human Resource Management in the Department of Public Administration, Mrs. Charmaine Rogers, in introducing the programme, said to the participating teachers: “The expectations are that at the end of these sessions, you will understand how you fit into the Anguilla Public Service. You will achieve a better understanding of how the system operates, and you would be made more aware of the role that you are required to play.”
She continued: “Our aim is that you would be able to cultivate some favourable attitudes about the organization in which you function, and have a wider knowledge of its practices. It is our hope that we would be able to inspire you to pursue excellence.” She challenged the teachers stating that, because they are educators, who mould the young minds of the nation, it is not impossible for them to achieve excellent standards of performance in their careers as long as they apply themselves with renewed commitment.
Deputy Governor, Mr. Perin Bradley, spoke to the teachers in an encouraging mode, stating: “I would like to congratulate all of you as teachers whose aim is to dedicate yourselves to the public service and help our young people achieve what they are destined to achieve in life. As a public service employee, I do not think there is any higher calling. We owe you all a debt of gratitude.
“It is up to you, as public servants, to ensure that the vision of our forebears come to pass — a vision of an Anguilla that is ‘proud strong and free’. For those of you who may think that your employment in the public service is just a job, I hope that at the end of these orientation sessions you would see the need for a reaffirmed commitment in your role as teachers.” Mr. Bradley spoke more extensively to the teachers during the sessions in a lecture entitled “Understanding Government and the Role of the Anguilla Public Servant”.
Other facilitators for the programme comprised officials attached to Public Administration, including: Head of Public Administration, Mrs. Jacqueline Bryan-Niles; Deputy Director Human Resources Management, Mrs. Ornette Edwards-Gumbs; Human Resource Management Officer, Mrs. Maria Hughes; Deputy Director of Human Resource Management, Mrs. Charmaine Rogers; Public Relations Offiicer, Ms. Rosanna Browne; Teachers’ Union President, Ms. Sherise Gumbs; and Pensions Administrator, Mrs. Monifa Brooks-Gumbs.
Subjects discussed during the half-day sessions were: Understanding Government and the Role Understanding of the Public Servant; an Overview of the Public Service; Professionalism in the Workplace; Recruitment and Mobility Within the Service; Social Security and You; Processes and Procedures in the Public Service; Compensations and Benefits; Your Retirement and You; and Pensions.
By the end of the TIP, the teachers were expected to gain enlightenment from demonstrating interest in the various pertinent topics that were discussed.
– Staff Reporter, James R. Harrigan