Gender Affairs Anguilla of the Ministry of Social Development and Education, Government of Anguilla is announcing the eight selected honourees for the 2021 Women’s Week celebration from, 7th – 13th March under the theme “Leading Ladies: Born to Cherish.” These eight “Leading Ladies” are being recognized as stalwarts of service throughout Anguilla’s community. They are working to fulfill underserved needs, giving from the heart, and are truly born for a purpose. They are treasures that we must cherish especially during these challenging global times.

Mrs. Hyacinth Bradley, Mrs. Judith Gumbs, Mrs. Louise A. Brooks
Seated: Mrs. Jennifer Gumbs & Mrs. Sonia Morton
The honourees will be recognized at the Opening Church Service at Kingdom Citizens Church at 10:00 am on Sunday, 7th March and at the Hats & Heels Banquet at 5:00 pm at The Reef. Her Excellency, Governor Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam will also host a special “Tea and Discussion” for the eight honourees on Tuesday, 9th March. Gender Affairs Anguilla is pleased to present the Women’s Week 2021 Honourees:
1) Mrs. Khriss Richardson: A leading lady who clothes those in need
Mrs. Richardson uses her talents as a seamstress to make school uniforms to distribute to the less fortunate. She uses her finances to purchase the materials and her time to sew the uniforms in various styles, colours and sizes, while asking for nothing in return. She ensures that youth can have the necessary items to attend school. She often works behind the scenes and is very thoughtful and selfless.
2) Mrs. Sonia Morton: A leading lady who feeds those who are hungry
Mrs. Morton is the proprietor of a food van with her husband. For years, the Morton’s have been providing food for the high school children and adults who stop by. She never turns away a person who is hungry or unable pay. She has a tender spot for the homeless and those struggling with mental illness; she encourages and prays for them.
3) Mrs. Jennifer Gumbs: A leading lady who cares for and encourages the sick
Mrs. Gumbs is the President of the Anguilla Cancer Society and often encounters persons who are affected by cancer and other sickness. She offers encouragement through educational sessions and counselling for the socioeconomic and mental effects of disease. She also assists with the Healthy Life Style Programme with the Health Authority of Anguilla.
4) Mrs. Judith Gumbs: A leading lady whose heart is for honouring and providing for older persons and the elderly
Mrs. Gumbs is the owner of the Just Tender Care Senior Citizens Home. She provides excellent care for the elderly while ensuring that they still get out to enjoy Anguilla’s beauty, culture and cuisine.
5) Mrs. Louise A. Brooks: A leading lady focused on the holistic development of Anguilla’s children
Mrs. Brooks has been teaching for well over 40 years. She loves teaching and strives for the positive development of Anguilla’s youth. At times, she has taken on a motherly role, fostering some of her students and caring for them at her home while assisting them with their academic developments at her own expense.
6) Dr. Aisha Andrewin: A leading lady securing national health and safety during COVID-19
Anguilla has fared much better than nearly every other country in the world in response to COVID-19 and mitigating its impacts due in large part to the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Andrewin. She and her team worked to establish guidelines and protocols while she spent countless hours reviewing and screening applications for re-entry. Her efforts helped to keep us safe and allow a sense of normalcy with zero community transmission of COVID-19.
7) Mrs. Hyacinth Bradley: A leading lady assisting vulnerable and migrant communities
Mrs. Bradley is the creator of the Community Desk programme to promote, consult and educate the public about government initiatives. Her outreach is to the Spanish-speaking community and vulnerable populations, including unattached youth, prisoners, and victims and perpetrators of violence. She designs and delivers impactful workshops to meet their unique needs. Mrs. Bradley also supervises Anguilla’s 24/7 National Psychosocial Support Hotline, and assists with repatriation for returning residents.
8) Mrs. Samantha Alfred Derrick: A leading lady consistently offering hope, positivity and encouragement
Mrs. Derrick brings hope to those who feel like they cannot go on. She host a radio programme focused on giving encouragement, hopefulness and embracing the power of prayer. It reaches people all over the world via several social media platforms. Mrs. Derrick’s demeanor of humility, while speaking and sharing in love, allows people to see the positive in almost every situation.
Gender Affairs Anguilla thanks all of the Women’s Week 2021 partners and supporters. For more information about the week’s events, please refer to the events calendar, visit Facebook@GenderAffairsAnguilla or contact at 497-3930.
– Press Release