On Tuesday, March 09, 2021, The University of The West Indies Open Campus Anguilla hosted the Department of Social Development, as part of Social Work month for an awareness session on social work and what it entails for the students of its campus studying Social Work. Social Work Month is observed around the world during the month of March as a time to recognise and celebrate the important and constant contributions of social workers. The UWI Open Campus Anguilla recognises and appreciates the work of the Department and, in collaboration with the Department of Social Development, thought it prudent to have this session to give those pursuing degrees in Social Work a first-hand account of the work of the department, the expectations of a social worker and an understanding that the work is sacrificial.

The session was led by the management team and staff, highlighting what social work entails and the different areas of the Department. Team members delivered valuable insight from their Units. Mr. Clive Smith and Ms. Lavelle Niles led the session on Older Persons & Disabilities, while the Child Maintenance Unit section was delivered by Mr. Rodwell Grant, Ms. Marcia Rogers and Ms. Germaine Hodge. Mrs. Angelina Carty, Ms. Kerlyn Webster, Ms. Arlette Richardson and Ms. Brittany Christopher spoke about the Family and Social Services Unit.
Commissioner of Social Development, Ms. Lauraine Gumbs, spoke about the values that make excellent social workers. She emphasised the need for a strong commitment to social justice and human rights, strong emotional maturity, the ability to be objective, good organisational and communication skills, having a non-judgemental attitude and confidentiality. Ms. Gumbs noted, “The Department of Social Development provides a wide range of services to help people who
are distressed or overwhelmed by life’s issues. It continues to be an advocate for social change and social justice.”
Manager of the British Overseas Territories Open Campus Sites, Dr. Phyllis Fleming-Banks, praised the Management and Staff for the work they are doing. “Given the nature of their work, we hear so little about them, but the impact they have is truly far reaching. They are the protectors of the most vulnerable among us and we all, as a society, are indebted to them for their selflessness in becoming social workers.”
Coming out of this awareness session, the social work students of the UWI Open Campus Anguilla have forged a partnership with the department to build greater awareness for them as students.
A certificate of appreciation was presented to Commissioner Gumbs.
As another show of solidarity with the Department of Social Development, the UWI Open Campus Anguilla, in its collaborated ceremony to celebrate International Women’s Day 2021, collected a love offering for the Foster Care Programme of the Department.
– Press Release
March 10, 2021