Western Polyclinic
The Princess Alexandra Hospital project is virtually complete with the arrival of specialist equipment for the operating theatre and Central Sterilisation Unit to be delivered, and the up-grades to the kitchen block. The works completed under the project are the A&E, theatre extensions of the hospital, new hurricane resistant roofs, and extension to the laboratory with COVID-19 testing equipment, a new storage building, mortuary and an oxygen generating plant.
Health Authority staff will start to move into the new Western Poly Clinic this weekend (19-21 February). Once they have completed the move the Poly Clinic will operate as a primary health centre and a COVID-19 vaccination centre. Once Western is operational Welches Poly Clinic will close to allow a short intensive renovation programme to get under way. Finally, work on the new Valley Health Complex continues to progress well with completion due this coming May – with most of the infrastructure complete focus turns to the internal fit-out.
The contractors working on the first three packages of the brand new Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School continue to work hard getting the buildings up out of the ground and the contract for package 4a, the new science block, was awarded earlier this week.

Orealia Kelly Primary School is very nearly complete with just some final work on the auditorium roof to be finished off. However progress on the three other primary schools have faced a number of issues including delays in arrival of materials being imported. The Programme Team, Project Managers and GoA have been working closely with the contractors to help overcome these challenges so that the schools can be completed – Valley Primary is due to be completed in March and Adrian T Hazell and Morris Vanterpool in May 2021.
In other projects; the advance party from Anguilla Roads Construction who are re-surfacing the airport runway at CJLIA are on island and preparing the site for when their equipment and materials arrive in the comings days and weeks. Resurfacing work will start on 1 March and will take 2-3 weeks to complete – dependent on the weather! Finally, the invitation to bid for the contract to build the new Blowing Point ferry terminal has issued and a number of potential bidders gathered at Blowing Point on 12 February for a pre-bid briefing.
– Press Release, Governor’s Office