The Inland Revenue Department is pleased to announce the launch of some aspects of our NEW Multi Tax Solution (MTS) and Online Portal. This tax administration system will allow for more insightful management and business intelligence reports and facilitate registration, filing and ultimately online payment for specific taxes and licences.
The benefits of this system are consistent with the strategic goals of the IRD to foster a customer-centred focus and to continue to invest in Information Communication Technology (ICT) to improve efficiency and effectiveness of IRD operations.
As such, this will involve some major changes relating to the processing of various tax types within the department.
All taxpayers with an Interim Stabilization Levy account will no longer receive a Remittance Form as a reminder to submit returns on a monthly basis. However, you are still required to complete the ISL Employer forms, or Self-Employed forms for purpose of verification at IRD. These forms can be downloaded from the Government of Anguilla website at, or collected from the department. For your convenience, a Tax Calendar will be provided which outlines the due dates for each ISL return period.
Please be advised that if a taxpayer neglects to file by the due date an estimated assessment will be automatically generated and sent out. The estimated amount may be higher than what you may file on a monthly basis. However, if you subsequently file your tax return, another assessment will be generated which replaces the estimated assessment. If a taxpayer fails to do so, the account will incur interest and penalties based on the estimated amount outstanding. An estimated assessment will also apply to taxpayers filing a NIL return. Therefore, we encourage all taxpayers to file their returns on time.
All taxpayers whether filing revenue or NIL will incur penalties for late filing. Interest will be accrued on outstanding balances when payments are not received in full by the due date.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Inland Revenue Department at (264) 497-8334 or e-mail us at
Thank you for your usual cooperation.
Lonnie Hobson (Mr.)
Comptroller, Inland Revenue Department (Ag.)
28th January 2021
– Press Release