The annual Prisca Ogolo New Young Progressive Debater Impromptu Speech Competition was held at the Teachers’ Resource Centre on Sunday, 10th January at 5 pm – in front of a large and appreciative audience. In the end, Abigail Campbell emerged victorious, speaking on the Topic, ‘If I was stranded on a deserted island and given a choice of one item, a box of matches, a bottle of water, a cellphone or a Bible, which would you choose’.
The second position was captured by Yohance Benjamin, while the third position was taken by Ethan Harrigan. Ethan Connor and Talyka placed fourth and fifth respectively.
The N.Y.P.D. would like to thank the following: Mrs. Tina Ogolo, Mrs Rita Carty, FLOW, Tea Box Lounge, Ruthy’s Yum Yum, Kasper Confectionery, Beauty by Anise, Kel’s Candy, Ms. Regine Niles, Bread Winners Association, Mrs Barbara Webster -Bourne, Mrs. Gweneth Johnson and Ms. Giselle Bartlette. Special thanks also to the media: The Anguillian, AI Live, IN Anguilla, Kool FM, and Radio Anguilla.
– Contributed