For the second time, Anguilla will be having a female Governor. The Foreign and Commonwealth and Development Office announced on Friday, November 28, that the new appointee, who will replace Governor Tim Foy OBE in January, 2021, is Ms. Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam.

Anguilla’s first female Governor, who served for four years, from the summer of 2013 – August 2017, was Ms. Christina Scott. She preceded Governor Foy who took up his three-year appointment on August 21, 2017, and will now be leaving the island at the end of this year, 2020.
Ms. Daniel-Selvaratnam is a former lawyer, having been trained at the Inner Temple and the University of London. She holds a Master of Laws degree in Public International Law. Since then she has held several top legal and administrative posts in the UK Government over the years.
Her curriculum vitae show the following appointments she held: 2017-present: Cabinet Office, Director, Grenfell Tower, Independent Public Inquiry; 2015 to 2017: Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Director of Strategy and Change, The Insolvency Service; 2011-2015; Ministry of Justice, Deputy Director of Strategy and Change, HM Courts and Tribunal Service; 2010-2011: Ministry of Justice, Deputy Head of Offender Management Strategy; 2010: Ministry of Justice, Secretary to the Omand Review; 2007-2010: Ministry of Justice, Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Justice; 2004-2007: Department for Constitutional Affairs, Policy Advisor; 2000-2001: 9 King’s Beach Walk and Inner Temple Lane, Barrister; 1999-2000: University of London, Master of Laws (LLM), Public International Law; 1999: Called to the Bar of England and Wales.