The Youth EXPOSURE Clients’ Development Session was successfully conducted at the Department of Youth and Culture Training Centre, Fairplay Commercial Complex, on Thursday, 25th June, 2020, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The Developmental Session was coordinated by the Programme Officer – Youth, Mrs. Jocelyne Mills and chaired and supported by Ms. Shameica Hodge, and Mrs. Charmaine C. Rogers, of the Anguilla Service Corps, Management Advisory Board.
The first development subject was delivered by Mrs. Anita Ruan. Mrs. Ruan covered the topic: Job Security – Should it be a worrisome Ordeal? Mrs. Ruan, helped the clients to realise that each of them has a skill and that skill can be developed to their advantage once they work hard at it and strive to do their best.
The second facilitator was Ms. Carla Harris who delivered the topic: Job Security – Finding solutions to scary situations. Ms. Harris, reasoned with the clients by use of a series of visual illustrations, to show them that what may seem scary at first, may not be that scary at all. Tackling scary situations from different angles most times, may be all that is needed.
The Anguilla Service Corps, Youth EXPOSURE Programme is geared towards young people between the ages of 17 to 30 years old. To find out more about the programme, please contact the Department of Youth and Culture by emailing the Programme Officer – Youth Development, Mrs. Jocelyne Mills at Jocelyne.mills@gov.ai, or by telephone (264) 498 3792 /497 0969. You can also visit our Facebook page at DYC Anguilla for constant updates on this programme.
- Press Release