Mr. Mark Romney
First, I must express thanks to God Almighty for his guidance, inspiration, and protection during the just ended political campaign. It was long and I learned a lot in my quest to serve the people of Anguilla in the highest capacity possible, which I take seriously. So yes, I’ll be back!
At this point, I wish to thank the AUF for giving me the opportunity to contest the 2020 Elections as an island-wide candidate. Thanks to my wife Hope, and son Josh, for supporting my nomination – and to my dear close friend Chris for witnessing my nomination. To our party leader, Victor Franklin Banks thanks for your invaluable contribution, spanning 40 years in public office to the people of Anguilla. To my colleagues Cora Richardson-Hodge, Evans McNeil Rogers, Cardigan Connor, and Jose Vanterpool congratulations on being duly elected to serve in the Legislative Assembly.
I must especially thank the 2,000+ voters who gave me their vote of confidence. To you, I owe a huge debt of gratitude. To those who did not see it fit to vote for me, I say thanks as you have allowed me to graciously accept defeat. It simply was not my time!
To our duly elected APM Government, I wish you every success in making lives better for our people. The road ahead is going to be quite testing in the wake of the pandemic, and you’re going to have to make tough decisions in the best interests of Anguilla – to which I pledge my unconditional support in whatever way possible. Collectively, WE MUST respect the Government of today – IT IS OUR GOVERNMENT!
Again thank you all, and God Bless Anguilla!