On the afternoon of Wednesday, July 8th, forty-four promising Grade 6 students of the Adrian T. Hazell Primary School gathered at the Christian Fellowship Church to turn the tassels on their caps, with pride, in honour of their ceremonial graduation.
The forty-four youngsters graduated under the theme “Resilient and Amazing: Our Destiny Lies Within.” As the Class of 2020, they have each achieved honourable accomplishments in their own right, and have now made way for their entrance into the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School in September.
The ceremony began with the singing of the National Song, by the Class, and a prayer by Pastor Harvey Peters of the New Testament Church of God. The moderator for the event was Ms. Simone Connor who called on the Principal, Ms. Tiffany Thomas, to greet the gathering and give her welcome remarks.

While welcoming the appreciative audience which packed the spacious auditorium, Teacher Tiffany turned her attention primarily to the graduating class. She noted, in part: “Graduating Class of 2020, your time has finally arrived. One month ago we did not conceive the possibility that we would be here today attending this graduation. You have handled this new (pandemic) situation with class and determination. As we shifted to a new learning experience, you rose to the challenge. And God is good.
“Your seven years of primary education have now come to an end. But this is only a stepping stone on your way on this educational journey. Our hope, as educators, is that we have prepared you —
not only academically but mentally — for your new institute of learning which you will enter in September. Our hope is that we have helped to equip you for what life may bring.
“When you look back on this occasion, in years to come, it is my wish that you all will understand that it is not about the awards or the certificates that you will receive for the areas in which you have excelled, but it’s how you will use what you have achieved to grow and become a better you tomorrow than you are today.”
Salutatorian: Hailey Thomas Valedictorian: Warren Buddle
The Teacher of Grade 6, Ms. Karen Richardson, made noteworthy comments by way of encouraging her students to be vigilant and strong according to the Holy Scriptures. She stated: “As you embark upon your new journey, I encourage you to remember 1 Corinthians 16:13. ‘Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.’ Always believe that you are equipped with the necessary tools to overcome the obstacles that you may stumble upon. You have proven to me, as well as to yourself, that you are more than capable. You are resilient.”
The keynote address was delivered by past ATHPS student, Ms. Deztynee Bryan, who is currently a Form 6 student at the ALHCS, and aspires to study meteorology as a career. She reflected upon her own experiences as a student at her alma mater, and encouraged the graduates to be true to themselves in the face of adversity: “As you transition through this stage in your life, please remember that your only purpose in life is to be uniquely you.

Sharon Richardson-Love
“You were created to be you because only you can be you, and the destiny that lies within lies only within you. Remain resilient and amazing through all things. Don’t fall to the constant pressures and demands that accompany the task of growing up. Don’t try to be someone else — someone that you are not. Remember your roots. Remember your parents’ preaching and your teachers’ teachings and the guidance of all those who played a part in your success thus far. It will help to shape you into the ‘you’ that you are to be. Just stay true to yourself even when it may seem difficult.”
Numerous awards were presented to the graduating students, as well as to outstanding teachers, but one noteworthy presentation was made to retiring reading teacher, Ms. Shelagh Richardson, who had taught at the school since 1998. Upon receiving her special token of appreciation, she expressed the pleasure that she experienced in working at the ATHPS:
“I want to say a big thank you first to God for allowing me the strength and ability to do the job I love. I thank the entire faculty for welcoming me and putting up with me. I feel that I have been always welcomed in this wonderful community.
“I love all of the children that I have worked with, over all these many years, and I will always love them. Wherever I meet them around the island, they show me their love as well. I still get a lot of hugs from them even ‘til this day. It makes me feel very proud and very humbled to know that I have done the best I could for the sake of so many children.”
In response, the moderator, Ms. Simone Connor, expressed special words of gratitude to Tr. Sheila, and drew the graduates’ attention to the fact that indeed they ought to be grateful to her for the hard work she has done and for the love that she has shown them.
The Valedictorian for the Class of 2020 was Mr. Warren Buddle. He is a “little man” in stature, but one with great intellect and a big heart. He made mention of the challenges brought on by COVID-19, and humourously looked back on the lockdown as a time when “students were at home, and teachers were in school.” At the same time, though, he seriously encouraged his fellow classmates to get closer to God.

In addressing them, he noted in part: “Class of 2020, COVID-19 has shown us that no matter what may come our way, it might knock us down for a while, but we have the capacity to be resilient and amazing. We will always rise and be more beautiful and more handsome than ever.
“Take a look at the many gifts and presents that we have received today, despite the financial hardships that we are facing. I do believe we have so much to be thankful for.
“Finally, I would like to encourage us to walk closer with God, as He unfolds the amazing destinies that He has planned for each of us. Let us keep that resilient spirit alive. Let us take hold of what our parents and teachers have taught us, and may we continue to pray to the Lord, for with God nothing is impossible.
“I wish to leave you with this closing quotation: ‘you don’t have to be better than anybody else; you just have to be better than you ever thought you could be.’ So, Class of 2020, as we are about to start a new chapter together, let us go forward and be better than we ever thought we could be — resilient and amazing. Congratulations, and God bless you.” (Loud applause.)
The Vote of Thanks was made by the Class’s Salutatorian, Ms. Hailey Thomas. She, too, thanked God for their success, and on behalf of the Principal, staff, and her fellow 2020 graduates, she thanked each individual who participated in, and contributed to, such a memorable event.
Other primary schools will be holding their graduation ceremonies throughout the course of the coming weeks. Vivien Vanterpool Primary on Tuesday, July 14th; Orealia Kelly Primary on Wednesday, July 15th; Morris Vanterpool Primary on Thursday, July 16th ; and Valley Primary on Tuesday, July 21st.
- Staff Reporter, James R. Harrigan