On the evening of Saturday, June 27th, The Anguilla Toastmasters Club took a break from strictly online meetings because of Covid-19 restrictions and gathered at the Anguilla Community College for what would be their final meeting to close out the 2019/2020 Toastmasters year.
The evening was indeed filled with fun and excitement as Anguilla Toastmasters celebrated yet another successful year. Many awards were given out and the incoming 2020/2021 Toastmasters Executive board was enthusiastically welcomed.
Congratulations are in order to Out-going President and now (IPP) Immediate Past President, Ms. Brittany Christopher, under whose exemplary leadership the club excelled to even great heights.
The Anguilla Toastmasters Club can now proudly boast of ten (10) Toastmasters International goals, as well as twenty (20) plus educational goals, for the first time in the club’s history. Also noteworthy, is the fact that five (5) members were the recipients of Triple Crown Awards (three educational goals in a Toastmasters year). The Triple Crown awardees are: Ms. Brittany Christopher, Mrs. Tavia Nelson Connor, Ms. Susan Hodge, Ms. Bree Theodore and Ms. Melissa Harrigan. Although the club is only seven years old, it has managed to achieve the prestigious President Distinguished Award every year since its inception. This year was no exception.
Additional awards are as follows: Rookie of the Year: Ms. Waynika Romney. Stalwarts of the Year: Ms. Sherinette Romney, and Ms. Bree Theodore. The President’s Award: Mr. Crefton Gumbs. The prestigious and coveted award of Toastmaster of the Year went to Ms. Susan Hodge.
Immediate Past President:
Brittany ChristopherNewly Elected President:
Michelle Pradel
The Club also had an ongoing internal competition throughout the year where members formed two groups, the Toasters, and The Smedley’s, to compete against each other. This always caused for friendly banter and excitement against club members. In the final analysis, The Smedleys prevailed but not without fierce competition from The Toasters who promised to come back next year with even more vigor and determination. Congratulations are in order to all Smedley’s.
The Anguilla Toastmasters end of year celebration was also broadcast via Zoom, which enabled Keynote Speaker of the evening, Area Director, Eartha Cassius of the Sugar City Toastmasters Club in St. Kitts, to join the festivities.
The celebratory evening climaxed with the installation of the new Executive board that will now be tasked with leading the club forward into the new Toastmasters year, with the theme: “Better Communicators, Better Leaders – Envision it, Become it”.
Thank you to the outgoing Executive for your exemplary service. This Toastmasters year promises to be even more exciting than the last. If you have never been to a Toastmasters meeting then you absolutely must make an effort to see firsthand what it’s all about. Toastmasters will develop your leadership and communication skills. Meetings are held at The Anguilla Community College and now also Via Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Please visit the Facebook page: The Anguilla Toastmasters Cub for more pertinent information
- Press Release