The Alwyn Allison Richardson Primary School at West End had a crowded auditorium on Tuesday evening, July 7, for its graduation ceremony. The event was for thirteen students who will enter Campus B of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School in September this year. The graduation had as its appropriate theme: “Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it!”
Parent Teachers Association President, Ms. Shorema Richardson, said in part: “This year has had its share of challenges for parents, teachers, students, government bodies, countries and, by extension, the entire world. As the PTA, we had all the plans and ideas as to how this semester and graduation ceremony would go but, due to the covid-19 pandemic and financial hardship, everything was just left on paper. However, we are still thankful to be here to witness these broad smiles of our future scholars of Anguilla. Let’s give them a round of applause.”
Government Officials, Teachers, Parents and others
She continued: “We have recently adopted the new mantra ‘Embracing the spirit of Excellence’ and, for the past two years, we have seen how this school has made tremendous improvement in its academics, sports, attendance and overall participation of the students, teachers and parents. The management is elated about the results today and is grateful that this vision was well received.”
The feature address was delivered by Ms. Shelia Harrigan, a well- qualified hospitality trainer in Anguilla with a MA Degree in Management, from the University of Liverpool, and an Associates’ Degree in Hospitality, and Tourism Management, from the Anguilla Community College. Speaking on the theme of the graduation, she said in part: “Education is a foundation that leads us to fulfilling other dreams. But life has a way of stalling our dreams. It can be through our mistakes, discouragement from the people we love or admire; low self esteem; unfortunate pandemics; finances; and fear of failure.” She urged the graduating students to “believe in their dreams; remain focussed and direct your hopes or ambitions towards achieving them.”

Following the presentation of Certificates and Awards, the Valedictorian Speech was delivered by Jafari Hughes who, by his accomplishments and delivery, is a very smart six-grade student. He described the graduation ceremony as an “amazing milestone”. He went on in part:
“I am honoured to stand before you as the 2020 Valedictorian of the Alwyn Allison Richardson Primary School. I would not be here if it were not for all of you. To my parents and family, you have always told me to dream big and take all the little steps necessary to achieve it. You have always been there to push me to make my dreams a reality. Even though I may not listen to everything you say, I do hear you and have learnt so much. Each time you foisted me to study, read or complete a project, and it appeared that I was looking at a total space, I am proof that it is the slow and steady that wins the race.”
Addressing his fellow graduates, the well-spoken student told them: “We are the graduating class of 2020 who have experienced a world-wide pandemic named covid-19. It made our final year of primary school unique. Through covid we experienced branded learning which was a first for many of us. Learning online was challenging at times, but it has prepared us for the future of e-learning and education. We are so lucky to live on the beautiful island of Anguilla, where we are now considered covid-free, and can gather today for special events like this unlike so many around the world who are not able to have graduations this year or did it virtually.
“As we head off to secondary school, I want to remind you of the hard work it has taken to achieve this milestone, and what you will need to do to continue to be successful. We all know that what you put in, you get out. Everyone will tell you that you must work hard and do your best. But, besides academic success, you should build your character. Remember, the flight you choose today will affect how you perceive the world, so choose wisely.”
Young Jafari Hughes was adjudged Most Outstanding Student in Social Studies, Science, Literacy and Mathematics.
The Salutatorian was Ethan Connor who received a special award for his performance in Spanish. Another special award recipient was Armani Lake, for Music. Hughes, Connor and Lake were among the school’s top students in academics. The others were: Shirquan Abbott and Cheddi Leveret Richardson.
In addition to the above-named students, the rest of the graduates were: Heimy Connor; Jalila Gumbs; Tamyjah Gumbs; Christine Jones; Genesis De La Rosa Perez; Leronique Richardson, Aleuris Fleming; and Khalid Richardson.