Road South, Anguilla’s seacoast district, is taking the lead to establish a scholarship fund for eligible persons who, at the end of their studies, will not only be of much pride and benefit to that community, but the island as a whole.
The educational programme, called the Road South Scholarship Fund, has been in the early planning stages since in 2018, but is now coming into being with the writing of its Bylaws. The organisation is following all the necessary business protocols including seeking the approval of the Anguilla Financial Services Commission (AFSC). It is to be registered as a non-profit organization, and its first Board of Directors is in course of being set up.
A number of persons, from a broad cross-section of the Road South community, who share and actively demonstrate an interest in its development, have come forward as potential Board members of the Scholarship Fund. They met at the Curtis Love Senator’s Office on Wednesday, May 27, to consider the Bylaws of the organisation, drafted by Mr. Stanley Reid, Principal of SER Legal & Consultancy Services – and paid for by Mr. Curtis Richardson.
The scholarship fund is expected to generate its income from donations from credible sources with large financial holdings – as well as from various community activities. The aim is to have a considerable amount of money in the fund that can provide reliable and long-term assistance to scholarship winners who will be required to report their educational progress to the Board.
It is the view, of the soon-to-be set-up Road South Community Scholarship Board, that many persons in that part of Anguilla have demonstrated great academic performance over the years, but without having the financial means to further their studies. It is hoped that with an active Scholarship Fund many of the educational needs of eligible residents will be met in due course.