Mr Davon Carty Mr Verne Carty
Red Lion Distributors (Anguilla) has signed an agreement with DIVICO Distributors (St. Maarten) to officially distribute Heineken® Draught Beer to clients on Anguilla. The agreement has gone into effect May 15th, 2020. Red Lion represented by Mr. Verne Carty will be responsible for all sales, distribution and maintenance of Heineken® Draught Beer, equipment and its selected portfolio of draught beer.
“This cooperation with Red Lion gives us the opportunity to increase awareness and availability of the option of having a refreshing draught beer in Anguilla, and promote it in a way to appeal to local consumers. Red Lion will focus on delivering quality and professional service of draught beer and its equipment,” mentioned Shyam Rambhadjan, DIVICO Sales Manager.
DIVICO distributes both the 20L BrewLock draught system, which was developed by Heineken®, as well as 8L Blade draught systems. Both units use revolutionary compression systems that don’t require any CO2, or other gasses, allowing customers to serve premium draught with low maintenance equipment. “The beer lines are always fresh and the Brewlock and Blade systems fit any bar or restaurant,” added Rambhadjan.
Verne Carty, Red Lion Founder, observed: “We look forward to making sure professional Heineken® draught is available on the menu in all key accounts, and to increase the enjoyment of draught beer in the tourism sector by offering draught installations to all hotels and luxury rental properties.” Red Lion will also be trained to provide proper maintenance training to ensure the upkeep of all draught equipment.
Red Lion has been operating for the past 25 years in Anguilla, founded by Verne Carty and Davon Carty. Red Lion is considered a boutique distributor that aims to provide products and services based on a high quality of standards, including personal customer services to all clients. For more information please contact Verne Carty, Red Lion Distributors, Anguilla BWI, at +264 235 6425 or email
- Press Release