Audience Award to Mr Leander “Bull” Cassmee Bryan Award to Mr. Wycliffe Richardson (posthumously) recieved by Jan Richardson (2nd from left) and other children with Bishop Brooks Award to Mrs. Ursil Webster-Brooks (right) L-R Ms Judica Connor, Mrs Tavia Nelson-Connor, Ms Latonya Mussington, Ms Brittany Christopher (Protocol Team & Miss Anguilla) Award to Mrs. Rosena Brooks
Anguilla Day 2020 will go down in history as the only time in fifty-three years that there was not the pomp and ceremony to mark what is in fact the premier National Holiday on the island; and yet it was a memorable occasion – held indoors with the annual official addresses and the presentation of awards.
Still cautious about preventing the spread of the covid-19 virus, and thankful that by this Anguilla Day the island was free from the disease, the Government opted to move away from the crowded events to a more secured venue – the Conference Room at the Ministry of Finance. The choice location also serves the Ministry of Economic Development, Investment, Commerce, Tourism and Information Technology.
Governor Tim Foy, Premier Banks, Ms Pam Webster & Pastor Simon
The beautifully-decorated room, with scenes of the national colours, was occupied by only a small fraction of the usual crowd at the Ronald Webster Park as a result of the social distancing restrictions, now being relaxed. The mass uniformed bodies, normally at the park for the Official Parade, were replaced by a single female police officer at the door. Some three well-attired protocol ladies formed part of the small gathering, among which were the four Anguilla Day awardees.
On the official side were the speakers who delivered their addresses in the following order: His Excellency Governor Tim Foy, OBE; the Honourable Leader of the Opposition, Ms. Palmavon Webster; and the Honourable Premier, Mr. Victor Banks. Their addresses are published elsewhere in this edition of The Anguillian newspaper for the national record. Pastor Howard Simon, of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, delivered the prayer. He was one of two religious leaders at the ceremony – the other being the Rt. Rev. Errol Brooks who was seated in the audience. The chairperson was Ms. Gina Brooks, a senior employee in the Ministry of Finance. The singer of the National Anthem and the Anguilla National Song was the popular, and young, Caledah Hull.
Anguilla Tourist Board Decorated Decoration at Little Dix roundabout
The Anguilla Day Awards were presented by Premier Banks assisted by Miss Anguilla 2019-2020, Latonya Mussington. The awardees were: Mr. Leander “Bull” Cassmee Bryan for his role in the Revolution; the late Mr. Wycliffe Augustus Rohan Richardson, a former public servant and radio and television broadcaster and Methodist churchman, for his contribution to Social Development; Mrs. Rosena Brooks, a former educator and a current church and community worker, who was awarded for Social Development; and Mrs. Ursil Webster-Brooks, a former public servant who is also noted for roles in church and community. (For the record, the posthumous award to the late Mr. Wycliffe Richardson was received by his son, Jan Richardson).
The videography and live-streaming were provided by AVR/PINK MAKO, a local media company – thus allowing persons in Anguilla and abroad to listen to, and see, the proceedings.
That was very much the sum total of the official ceremony commemorating the 53rd Anniversary of the Anguilla Revolution. The theme for the observance was: “History, Culture & Heritage, Know Your Identity, Anguilla Day 2020”.
Unfortunately, the community activities were cancelled, as indicated earlier, due to the covid-19 virus. Like in previous years, they would have comprised a round-the–island boat race, followed by flocks of merry-makers on barges and yachts and other boats; a mass senior citizens’ luncheon at the Blue Ridge Conference Centre at South Hill (paid for by the Government of Anguilla) but which was delivered this year to the senior citizens homes. The cancellation of the boat race was a most missing event for the fans of the national sport. In a small way, however, there was a limited unofficial race in the Road Bay/Island Harbour area – and in Stoney Ground, a number of young men, performed a mock “sail fish” race on the main road.
Other community activities for Anguilla Day included the audio-visual presentation of a series of various social and cultural scenes in Anguilla over the years. The well-patronised event, produced on a stage over a portion of The Valley road network, was showcased by Mr. Gilbert Fleming (Gaff) and his son, Garian. Elsewhere on the island, there were decorations featuring the national colours of Anguilla.