Bishop Dr. Samuel Daniel Minister Susan Best Richardson Governor
Tim FoyPremier
Victor BanksMs Pam
WebsterPastor Phillip
GumbsPastor Lucien Macdonna Pastor Simon
Sunday, May 17th, was designated as National Day of Prayer in Anguilla. While many church services were conducted with special prayer vigils, where parishioners maintained their required distance from each other, the main event took place in the afternoon at the Scouts and Guides gazebo in The Valley where the attendees remained in their cars in keeping with the social distancing protocol because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our forebears have always been careful to instill within our communities the importance of prayer. As such, for the most part, our society is one that places special emphasis on the need for relating with God through prayer — in the good times as well as in times that are not so good. In the face of the current COVID-19 dilemma, therefore, a National Day of Prayer is not only a regular annual observance, but a critical necessity in the worse of times.
The event, part of the Anguilla Day celebration, with the theme “Hear Our Cry O Lord”, was organized by the Anguilla Evangelical Association in collaboration with the Anguilla Christian Council. It got underway at 4:45 p.m.
As Bishop Errol Brooks welcomed the attendees, he began: “Good afternoon to you on these grounds as well as to all who are joining us by social media. It is indeed a wonderful day as we gather to lift up our island before Almighty God. In the liturgical calendar, today is observed as Rogation Sunday, meaning that we are to beseech or ask of God. So I wish to commend the persons who have befittingly organized this National Day of Prayer.”
Thereafter, a presentation by Chevonne Desouza, entitled “We Cry Out to Thee, O Lord”, set the stage. It was a poem relating to the corona virus which has remarkably ushered in the most dreaded global catastrophe of our times. Worship was led by Susan Best Richardson, and Scripture readings followed — first by Fr. Xaun Ho of the Roman Catholic Church and then by Pastor Parlor Gumbs of the City of Faith Church. The National Song was rendered by the Advent Men’s Ensemble (AME).
Noteworthy on the agenda was a fervent prayer offered by Dr. Bishop Samuel Daniel. Extracts of that prayer follow: “Lord we humbly approach your throne on behalf of our country, Anguilla. As we gather, we beseech you to allow the power of your presence to be felt among us. Lord, extend your grace, grant us your freedom, and provide us with your protection. We ask that this gathering would be more than mere formality. We ask that through this rally you would bring about an awakening of your great love for Anguilla.
Adventist Men’s Ensemble singing the National Song Attendees (practicing social distancing) Pastor Howard Simon and
Pastor Jerome Harrigan at NBR
“We ask that through these prayers, all plans to silence the name of your son, Jesus, would come to failure. We ask that your cause would be promoted and that your agenda for Anguilla would come to fruition. We pray that many would come to know you as Lord and Saviour in this land; we pray that many would see your light; we pray that you would open blind eyes, and release those still imprisoned; we pray that with this gathering will come a renewed awareness that would unify your people for the glory of your name.
“We are grateful for your mercies over this island during the global pandemic. And as we gather, we ask you for increased wisdom and discernment to lead. We ask that by your power you would appoint strong, godly, faithful men and women to serve this nation and our people. We thank you for your great healing on Anguilla. Thank you for fighting for us. We need you now more than ever before. We ask that you continue to shine your face upon us. Our times are in your hands. Hear our prayers, O God, Amen.”
Among other pastors who were called to make prayerful petitions was Pastor Lucien MacDonna of Life Impact Centre. As a prelude to his prayer, he lustily led the gathering in the singing of the song, “Thanks Thanks”, reflecting thanksgiving for God’s protection over Anguilla in the depth of the COVID-19 crisis. In his prayer he thanked God for His preservation, grace and peace which He has given us in these difficult times.
Government representatives at the prayer gathering included: His Excellency Governor, Tim Foy, Premier Victor Banks and Opposition Leader Palmovan Webster.
HE Governor Foy noted: “This year’s National Day of Prayer comes at a time of extreme challenge and hardship for many families throughout Anguilla, as we face the social and economic impact of COVID-19. It also comes as a great time of challenge to the people of the United Kingdom who have just sadly passed the grim milestone of 32,000 deaths.
But here at home, once again, Anguilla has been tested — and once again she has risen to the challenge magnificently, powered by an engine of resilience that is fueled by prayer, faith, kindness and solidarity.”
He said that in reflecting on his own prayer life, he had come to realize that prayer, according to Saint Teresa of Avila, is ‘nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.’ “There is nothing scholastic or sophisticated about prayer”, he said.
Governor Foy borrowed a solemn and befitting prayer from a man who he called “one of the world’s most inspirational people”—Abraham Lincoln. Quoting President Lincoln, the Governor prayed: ‘“We humbly beseech thee that we might always prove ourselves as a people mindful of thy favour and to act to do thy will. Bless our lives with honourable ministry, sound learning and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord and confusion. Keep us from pride and arrogance and every evil way. Endow us with thy spirit of wisdom those who in thy name you entrust with the authority of government, that they may be just and keep peace at home. Grant that, in obedience to thy law, we may show forth thy praises among the nations of the earth.’’’ That is my prayer for Anguilla. God bless Anguilla,” the Governor declared.
Then, Premier Victor Banks addressed the gathering: “Greetings on the commemoration of the 19th year of the observance of our National Day of Prayer. I commend the organizers for finding a practical way to make this happen, even in this period of challenge. The observance of this day must remain as a deliberate event in the calendar of a grateful people.”
He went on: “Our God has been awesome to us as a people, and it is therefore appropriate that, in addition to our individual prayers and supplications we continue to find ways, as a nation, to designate a special time for collective prayer and fellowship in an atmosphere overwhelmed by expressions of sincere gratitude and praise.
“In recent months, Anguilla, like many other countries globally, has been impacted by the unprecedented fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. The modern world has never been subjected to such a pervasive, health related phenomenon. Even in these precarious circumstances in which we find ourselves, it is evident that the prayers and intercessions of our people have been heard by God, and have kept us safe. Indeed, God has smiled on Anguilla once again, and for this we are indeed grateful…May God bless Anguilla. ”
Opposition Leader, Palmovan Webster, was next to speak, as she emphasized the goodness of God to our land: “Our Heavenly Father has been good to us,” she said. “Anguilla is blessed, and we must give God thanks for His provision and His protection. We give God thanks for our health care workers on the front lines who are working daily to keep us safe.
“We give God thanks for our teachers and other public servants who have been working under difficult circumstances to make sure the business of our small island territory continues. We give God thanks for our leaders, and it is my prayer that we be guided by God’s mighty hand and hear His still small voice in the months and years ahead.”
Ms. Webster then asked all present to bow their heads with her as she prayed: “Our Father, I beseech you on behalf of our nation. I pray that you will heal the bonds that have been broken, and bring our people to a place of surrender to your will and to your purpose. I pray, Lord, that you will order our steps. Let your will and your purpose be fulfilled in this land. Help us to trust in you with all our hearts and not to lean upon our own understanding. Lord, may we acknowledge you in all our ways so that you will direct our path.
“Our Father in Heaven, please grant us the wisdom, and the understanding, and the strategies we need to lead this country out of these challenging times, especially out of this time of economic crisis, and lead us once again into a place of prosperity for all our people… We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Island-wide on Sunday, prayers were aired over various radio stations from representatives of several churches. Indeed, petitions were made to God, not only for Anguilla, in particular, but for the countries of the world at large which are suffering from the grim impact of the horrible COVID-19.
The organizers of the National Day of Prayer wished to thank all who participated in the day’s programme.
- Staff Reporter, James R. Harrigan