The now dissolved Anguilla House of Assembly has previously been meeting off and on for some time now, but the frequency of its sittings increased dramatically during the first several days this month [May]. The aim was a race to pass a number of duty-free concessions and various pieces of draft legislation which were on hold during the coronavirus lockdown.
The race took into account the running out of the five-year term of the House of Assembly and the imminent district and island-wide elections for which campaigning is now in top gear.

Following the conclusion of the business before the House of Assembly -on Friday, May 8 – the Speaker, Mr. Terry Harrigan, led all members and staff in delivering addresses on their tenure of appointment during the past five years.
Outgoing Premier and Leader of Government Business, Mr. Victor Banks, joined his colleagues in speaking at the final – 102nd – sitting of the 11th House of Assembly and thanked all of them for their service and support.
That been done, he read the Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Tim Foy, OBE, dissolving the House of Assembly. The full text of the Proclamation appears elsewhere in The Anguillian.