There is now an opportunity for the renewal of the religious and spiritual lives of the people of Anguilla with the recent easing of the covid-19 restrictions allowing churches to reopen with larger congregations.
In the initial lockdown, church services were restricted as part of measures to control large public gatherings to stem the community spread of the virus. In one instance, only ten persons were allowed at church services and, in some cases, if not all, no church buildings were temporarily closed down. Since then larger numbers of persons are being permitted at the services as well as weddings and funerals.
Congregation at St. Mary,s Pro-Cathederal SDA congregation
The lockdown of churches, or sparse congregations, led to the use of social media by the religious leaders for their services and this is still being continued to some extent. Many, if not all, of the ministers or pastors have openly thanked members of their congregations who used their social media experience and facilities to broadcast the services.
Speaking soon after the easing of the restrictions on church gatherings, Bishop Errol Brooks said, at St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral on Sunday, May 3:
“I bid you welcome back to our places of worship. I know that many of you were longing to see this day. God has done it again! While a few of us had the opportunity to be physically present at church during the period of the lockdown, most of you had to stay at home. The circumstances dictated that in order to share worship with you we had to act quickly and decisively.
“Through the expertise and commitment of Mr. Ivor Hodge, Priest’s Warden, Mr. Tyrone Hodge-Carty, Mr. Joseph Gumbs and Mr. Raheem Carty, we were able to live stream our worship.

and Bishop Brooks
“Thanks to the Management of Radio Anguilla for broadcasting the services on Sunday afternoons. By so doing, persons who do not have access to Facebook were able to listen and participate. Sincere thanks to Ms. Tamieka Fleming for the layout and artistry of our Facebook page. To all who shared in the conduct of worship, our musicians – Mr. Michael Martin Jr., Mr. Damarai Gumbs and Mr. Lennox Vanterpool, and our Floral Arrangers – we offer our thanks.”
Bishop Brooks continued: “A new feature for our parish is our website. After several months of hard work, this facility was officially launched on Easter Day. We commend Mr. Sheldon John, the designer, for his commitment and dedication to making the website a reality. Thanks to Mrs. Ingrid Lake, Parish Administrator. On many occasions she went beyond the call of duty to collate and supply information to Mr. John. Thanks also to members of the Vestry, and parish organizations, for their input.
“The website can be accessed at It also carries a link to our Facebook page. There can be no turning back. We will continue to live stream. As you can imagine, there are persons across the world who are worshipping with us. To God be the glory!”
Pastor Howard Simon (SDA) Retired Canon Emerson Richardson Retired Reverend Menes Hodge
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is among the other churches which were also on lockdown, but with services on social media.
Speaking at the Mount Fortune Church on Saturday, May 2, the Senior Minister and Coordinator, Pastor Howard Simon, said: “We thank God for the gift of technology as we have been able to keep together through it. Even though we were not meeting physically, we were meeting online through Zoom, Whatsapp and Facebook. So we were able to get the messages out.
“Thank God for technology, but we are so delighted that we can be here today. We practiced social distancing but we wish we could have hugged and kissed each other. The fellowship is great and sweet. There is nothing like meeting together. Yes, technology is good but it is a far cry from meeting together.”