Cases/suspected cases – there remains no active or suspected cases of COVID-19 in Anguilla and it has been more than 45 days since our last confirmed case. This is a great achievement but we must not be complacent. We ask you all to continue to practice social distancing and good basic hygiene to prevent the spread of all infectious diseases.
Border Closure – our ports will remain closed for passenger movements until at least 31 May. We will not open them until the situation outside Anguilla allows us to do so safely. We cannot say when this will be, but it may be some time beyond the end of May. Consequently, we urge you not to make travel plans or bookings.
Anguillans in the US with concerns over immigration status – Anguillans in the United States whose immigration status is either expiring or expired, can apply for an extension to their stay. The Department of Homeland Security recognises that because of COVID-19 some people may need to unexpectedly remain in the United States beyond their authorized period of stay. Further information is available at www.uscis.gov.
Persons wishing to return to Anguilla – we are continuing to examine possible arrangements for those most needing to return to Anguilla to do so safely. We will provide further information on this shortly. However, the policy of Anguilla is first and foremost that residents and Anguillians overseas should shelter in place until further notice. Therefore, we want to be clear – returns, if they proceed, will be limited in numbers with a clear prioritisation based on need. Returns will also be managed under strict protocols including: testing either prior to or on arrival; mandatory quarantine of no less than 14 days in a government facility; and testing at the end of that period. Further information on this will be released soon.
Keeping Anguilla safe – given our fortunate position restrictions were relaxed on 29 April. We want however to remind everyone that the following restrictions relating to gatherings will remain in force until at least 31 May:
Gatherings of more than 25 persons, in public or private, are prohibited except:
a) when attending churches, weddings and funerals
b) assembling for the purpose of work
c) attending schools
d) attending company meetings
Notwithstanding the above, this means no person shall host or attend
a) public parties on the beach or on the mainland
b) recreational or competitive sporting event
c) meeting of fraternal society
d) private or social clubs or civic associations
e) or any other social event in a public place other than those detailed above.
Protecting Anguilla from illegal entry – Over the past weekend, four boats were intercepted in our waters. All were told to leave and no one landed from these vessels. And on 8 May the RAPF detained four suspected illegal immigrants. Rapid investigative work established that all four had entered Anguilla illegally – from a boat – but prior to our borders closing on 20 March. As noted in the Chief Medical Officer’s press release of 11 May all four were tested for COVID-19 and all tested negative.
This episode clearly demonstrates that Illegal entry has occurred in the past. We cannot afford for this to happen in the future which is why the Government has put in place the strongest possible steps to stop illegal immigration. We thank you all for your vigilance in reporting any boat movements. Should you have any information you wish to share with the authorities you can do so in confidence at – www.gov.ai/911.
Prohibition on boat use – regulations prohibiting the use of any boat in Anguilla’s waters unless specifically exempted remain in force until 31 May.
Playing your part – the steps we have all been taking are helping to keep us safe. No active cases does not mean we should stop hygienic practices or respiratory etiquette. So once again, we urge you all to take the simple steps that save lives:
? wash your hands frequently;
? cover coughs and sneezes with a disposable tissue, or in the crook of a flexed elbow;
? frequently clean and disinfect shared spaces and work surfaces; and
? avoid contact with persons suffering from or exhibiting symptoms of acute respiratory infections such as the flu, coughs, and colds.
Let us remind you again of the Ministry of Health hotline on COVID-19. The number is 1-264- 476- 7627 that is 476 SOAP, or 1-264- 584- 4263, that is 584-HAND.
You can also access the most recent guidance and information at www.beatcovid19.ai
- Press Release