The Sunday service on March 8th at the Church of God (Holiness) took on a two-fold purpose. Firstly, it honoured several ladies who had come to commemorate World Women’s Day and pay recognition to the work and lives of women in Anguillla and around the world. Secondly, it gave honour to a group of retired individuals who had come to represent retirees nationally.
The worship service, led by Sister Mary Hughes, drew the spirits of the congregants to meet with the divine through the vibrant singing of songs like “I Saw the Light” and “I am a Friend of God”. Pastor Philip Gumbs welcomed all in the congregation, giving recognition to both groups of guests — the National Council of Women as well as the Anguilla Retired Persons Association.
The National Council of Women recently rebranded and has adopted a new identity, namely, the Anguilla National Organization of Women (ANOW). An introduction of the group was given by Sister Cheryl Skellekie who stated: “On March 23rd, 1982, the Anguilla National Council of Women was founded and acted as the umbrella organization for all women’s groups on the island.
“Over the years, the Council actively advocated for the rights of women, girls and families. The membership of the Council, during the early years, consisted mainly of church-based women’s groups. During the almost thirty-eight years of its existence the organization has seen several changes in its Executive Committee, as well as some ebbs and lulls in its level of functioning.”
Ms. Skellekie continued: “In May 2019, our new Executive was elected, headed by its new President, Miss Glenneva Hodge. The Executive of the Council has set out to ensure the longevity of the organization and to return it to its former status as an umbrella organization. To do so, they have recognized the need to actively involve women’s groups from all areas of our society, and to provide a safe and welcoming environment for each group regardless of their background.

and others
“On March 7th, 2020, the Anguilla National Council of Women announced a rebranding of the organization which includes a name change, which is now the Anguilla National Organization of Women.”
Pastor Gumbs gave due recognition to the Anguilla Retired Persons Association, among whom was his longstanding colleague in the ministry, Rev. Egbert Dunston Richardson, who has been serving as a minister in the Methodist Church for some 48 years. Also present with the group was ARPA’s President Mrs. Mona Fleming, as well as her husband, Mr. Felix Fleming. Clive Frankie Smith, the Senior Community Development and Welfare Officer at the Department of Social Development also accompanied the retirees.
Pastor Gumbs mentioned that ARPA is working for the basic rights of the elderly. It is a friendly Association, providing entertainment for its members and the inmates of senior citizens’ homes. He stressed, “also seeks to ensure that all retirees on Anguilla enjoy a quality retirement.”
The Pastor’s sermon addressed respect for both women and the elderly. His text promoting respect for women was taken from Ephesians 5:25 where it is stated, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” His text focusing on care for the elderly was Leviticus 19:32 where God Himself stipulates: “‘Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD.”
The Pastor stressed, “The character of our nation is how we treat the weak and vulnerable. So the women, the elderly, the widows and children must be cared for and respected. As the ladies celebrate International Women’s Day, and as our Anguilla Retired Persons Association joins with us, we celebrate today as a day of hope and healing against all the ills that were levied against our women and the aged.”
He emphasized that the true test of Christianity is not found in the slangs and phrases like: “I’m too blessed to be stressed”, or “I’m blessed and highly favoured”, or “I’m the head and not the tail”, but rather the essence of Christianity is found in deliverance, setting captives free and getting to the raw wounds of society where rights are being violated and where hearts are being challenged.
Representatives from both ANOW and ARPA expressed appreciation for the fervour of the service.
- Staff Reporter, James R. Harrigan