The expansive and crowded dining room at Royale Caribbean Resort, at Little Harbour, suddenly erupted in bursts of applause. The reason was that the 75-year-old birthday celebrant, Katherine Gumbs, of Little Dix, who was the honouree there, entered the area at the top table in a modest dancing act not performed by her in recent times. She danced to the classic music of Michael (Dumpa) Martin and Perry Hughes.
Widely known for her outgoing personality, it was a bitter-sweet experience for her. On one hand she was celebrating her 75th birthday. On the hand, she was filled with grief over the passing of her sister, Lorna, that same day in Puerto Rico where she was receiving treatment. Notwithstanding that sad situation, she demonstrated a spirit of resilience that readily became apparent – hence a big part of the cheering.
Her grandson, “Ole Man Nunsi”, a popular comedian on the island, added much delight to the event – bringing laughter to the family and the large gathering from across the island.
His father, Dean – and his, uncles Lance and Avery, took a more serious and moving approach. They praised their mother for her leadership role – and love for the family inner-circle of eight grown children (seven boys and one sister); many other relatives; and all her friends and acquaintances throughout the island.
“It is wonderful. I am thankful and praising the Lord for life and everything,” the matriarch said, with some of children seated at her side. “Thanks to everybody very much.”
The opening prayer and remarks were delivered by Pastor Jerome Harrigan of the Dominion Faith Centre and owner of New Beginning Radio; and the programme was chaired by his wife, Mrs. Ruthlyn Harrigan. Glowing tributes were paid to the birthday celebrant by many persons from her Little Dix community and other parts of Anguilla.