In a short press briefing on Friday, March 20, the Opposition Leader in the House of Assembly, Ms. Pam Webster, sought to drive home a sense of awareness and synergy regarding the existence of the world-disturbing COVID-19 virus.
She noted: “The global Coronavirus pandemic is a serious challenge to all nations across the world, including Anguilla. This is an unprecedented event which poses a direct threat to lives and livelihoods.”
She further stated: “This is a monumental challenge for our government and our people, and thus requires a One Anguilla approach – that is, a united approach with all stakeholders involved. To this end, I wish to commend the government for holding several high-level meetings over the past week to bring our people up to date on the actions to be taken…”
While the Opposition Leader was propagating nothing new since the onset of the flurry of Government advisories and admonitions from her own platforms, she was making a special effort to sensitize the public to the solemnity of the existence of COVID-19.
She focused on concerns relative to our health care system and its preparedness to deal with a potential crisis in the event of an outbreak. She said: “There is a concern for the availability of medication for those who may potentially contract the virus.” She noted that recent developments in Cuba have seen the deployment of nurses to our Caribbean neighbours, and a special drug known as Interforeron Alfa 2b, which they promote, has been successful in treating COVID-19 cases in China.”
“I want to emphasize here,” she said, “that this is not a time to play politics. This is a time for principled leadership and collective responsibility in the best interest of Anguilla.”
In terms of politics, she stated: “I want to add my voice to a concern related to the upcoming General Elections here in Anguilla. The Coronavirus pandemic is a global threat and preventing its spread must be our number one priority. I met with the Governor earlier this week and raised this issue, citing the actions taken by the British Government to postpone local elections and the London mayoral election from May of this year to 2021. Democratic Presidential candidates in the United States have been criticized openly for continuing their primary elections during this period, and some foresee the possibility of delaying the US presidential election, which was originally due in November 2020, if the COVID-19 is not sufficiently under control by then.”
In closing, the Opposition Leader expressed her thanks and admiration for the work being done by Anguilla’s border agents, immigration officers, and health care professionals who are currently working very hard to protect Anguilla from the virus. “I pledge my full support to the people of Anguilla as we work together to overcome this global pandemic,” she vowed.
Staff Reporter, James R. Harrigan