The Department of Youth and Culture – Youth Affairs Division, conducted an Orientation session with the 6th cohort of the Anguilla Service Corps (Youth EXPOSURE Programme) on Friday 31st January, 2020. Orientation of the programme was administered by the Senior Programme Officer – Youth, Ms. Joleyne Robin. The session precedes the beginning of the 6th month cycle which began on Monday 3rd February, 2020.
Six (6) clients are attached to Government Departments or Statutory Bodies as volunteers for a period of six months. During this attachment the clients will receive various opportunities to enhance their personal and professional skills at the Anguilla Community College, and gain experience through on-the-job training/exposure, while receiving a monthly stipend of XCD$1000.00.
The Youth EXPOSURE programme empowers young people on Anguilla to become more marketable in the job arena for long-term employment.
Partnering Departments for the 6th Cohort of the 2020 cycle are:
Inland Revenue Department
Chronic Disease Unit
The Department of Information, Technology and E-Services (D.I.T.E.S.)
Department of Sports
The Eleos Centre
Blowing Point Youth Development Centre
West End Community Development Centre
Programme Criteria:
1. Between the ages of 17 to 30
2. Unemployed
3. Actively seeking employment for one or more years
4. Possess a minimum of 4 or more CSEC subjects or up to tertiary education
5. Must be an Anguillian or Belonger of Anguilla
To apply to the programme, please contact the Department of Youth and Culture by emailing the Programme Officer – Youth, Mrs. Jocelyne Mills at Jocelyne.mills@gov.ai , or by telephone (264) 498 3792 /497 0969. You can also visit our Facebook page at DYC Anguilla for constant updates on this programme.
– Press Release