Wycliffe Richardson
Saturday, December 28, 2019, was the memorable date when the last chapter and farewell ceremony in the life and service of Wycliffe Augustus Rohan Richardson, Anguilla’s late Radio & Television Journalist and Methodist Churchman, was recorded.
The mass Thanksgiving Service and Celebration for him, at the spacious St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Anglican Church, less than a mile from his small but beloved and historic Ebenezer Methodist Chapel, was a fitting tribute to a citizen whose social contribution to his homeland and outside its shores, was patriotic, regional and international.
The life-closing event was just short of an officially-declared National Service. This was borne out by the overwhelming attendance from all walks of life, and the level of written and spoken tributes from various persons and organisations in the public and private sector – including the church. Wycliffe’s surprise passing, on December 2, at the age of 65 after a brief illness, evoked much sorrow and regret as the many tributes indicated.
The spoken tributes began at the “Wake”at Ebenezer Methodist Chapel on the evening of Friday, December 27, and continued the next morning at St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral before and during the Thanksgiving Service. In a recorded tribute there, from the United States, Premier Victor Banks, said in part:
“Our thoughts and prayers are with his children, his grandchildren, his siblings and his entire family at this time, as they mourn the loss of this fallen patriot who believed in his country and contributed in so many ways to make it a better place for all. Despite our sadness, at his untimely passing, we could never appreciate the heartrending pain that you as a family must be experiencing at this time. He was well loved.
“On behalf of the Government and people of Anguilla, and on my own behalf and that of my family, we pray that the Richardson family find comfort and closure in the days, weeks, months and years ahead.”
The Rt. Rev. Errol Brooks, Wycliffe’s first cousin, said in part at the commencement of the Thanksgiving Service: “Today we are gathered in this place to honour God for His love, goodness and mercy – and to thank Him for the life and witness of our brother, Wycliffe. While a strict Methodist, Wycliffe was ecumenically-minded. His keen interest and involvement in the worship and programmes of the Anguilla Christian Council bore witness to this.” The Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of the North Eastern Caribbean and Aruba went on to speak about Wycliffe’s many contributions to church and society, and prayed that God “would give him rest in His Eternal Kingdom.”
The other Officiating Ministers were the Rev. Dr. Wycherley Gumbs, Superintendent Minister of the Anguilla Methodist Circuit; his Methodist colleagues, Rev. Joseph Lloyd; Rev. Dunstan Richardson; and Rev. Wilmoth Hodge; and Anglican Priest, Rev. Raiville Christian. In his introductory remarks, Rev. Dr. Gumbs described Wycliffe as a tough person who loved order and discipline in church life. He observed that while there was no eulogy, the many tributes and statements had provided a clear picture of his life and service. He sought to bring comfort to the family, and other mourners, from Hebrews which he described as “a Book of Encouragement”.
In addition to the various spoken tributes, several tributes were printed in the funeral booklet from: the Anguilla Christian Council; representatives of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas; and the Department of Disaster Management – on behalf of its staff – and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency and Response Agency (CDERA). Tributes in song were given by the Ebenezer Methodist Choir; the Methodist Circuit Choir; and the Anguilla Jubilee Choir which usually performs at officially-declared National Funerals.
The funeral procession proceeded to the Ebenezer Methodist Cemetery for the Interment, conducted by the Rev. Dr. Gumbs and Rev. Dunstan Richardson, bringing closure to Wycliffe’s untimely passing which brought much sadness and regret across the island.