The Anguilla Progressive Movement, the only party that is poised to challenge the incumbent Anguilla United Front (AUF), has stepped up its momentum with the official introduction of Mr. Jerome Roberts, as Constituency #2’s representative, in a political meeting near the grounds of the old East End School last Saturday night, January 18th .
Prior to his introduction, Mr. Roberts’ “at-large” supporters, who gave him high commendation from the podium, included Mr. Kennedy Hodge, Mr. Kenneth Hodge, Mr. Kyle Hodge and Ms. Quincia Gumbs-Marie.
Kennedy Hodge pledged his unwavering support for Mr. Roberts: “It gives me great pleasure to be here at this Constituency #2 meeting, and to stand with my colleague, APM candidate for this district, Mr. Jerome Roberts. Jerome is very well known in this District 2 Community and throughout Anguilla in general. He has served as Anguilla’s Minister of Health, Education, Sports and Culture, as well as the Minister of Home Affairs during the period 2013 to 2015.”
Hodge continued: “It is common knowledge that Jerome is a man who cares about his District 2 Community. Ever since he was a very young man, he has involved himself in the affairs of this community. He has helped to develop its youth by showing unstinting participation in the cub-scouts and the Anglican Young People’s Association, the youth arm of his church. Whenever any community event is planned in the district, whether it is cleaning up a neighbourhood or any social event, Mr. Roberts is surely at the forefront. He is there to be counted on by the people of District 2. He is always available to help organize and conduct the actions of the event. Jerome has never stopped being actively involved in the development of his District 2 community.
“When he felt that he could better serve the community, by representing the district in Anguilla’s House of Assembly, Mr. Roberts postulated himself as a candidate for election to the House. He served both his community, and all of Anguilla, as Advisor to the Chief Minister from 2010 to 2012, and then as Minister of Home Affairs until 2015.
“I have never heard a word of valid criticism about the quality and calibre of Mr. Robert’s service in these roles. When increasing numbers of people were forced to turn to street-side vending, as a means of survival, after the 2008 collapse of Anguilla’s economy, under the government of the Anguilla United Front, it was Jerome who came up with the idea of The Strip to provide a food court — as a central location to vend from, and to form a hub of social activity in The Valley area.
“Although he was not returned to the House of Assembly in 2015, Mr. Robberts had never ceased to serve his community. Jerome knows the District 2 community like the back of his hand, and he is involved in any community activity that relates to his constituency. Overall, there is no one else like Jerome when it comes to community action in District 2.”
Introducing Mr. Roberts was a well-known resident of the district, Ms. Hazel Gumbs who declared: “I am honored to be given the task to introduce to you no stranger — but a young man whom we all know to be the face of this East End community. Mr. Roberts is one who has devoted his time, love, commitment and compassion for our people, especially the youth of this community. So I stand here tonight to ask you to support Mr. Roberts in the upcoming 2020 elections.”
As Mr. Roberts took the podium and greeted the gathering, like others who had spoken before him, he asked all to join with him in observing a moment of silence as a gesture of respect for Leroy Vanterpool — a close friend and comrade of the residents of the constituency — who had been recently killed in a nighttime shooting in the neighbouring Welches village.

Mr. Roberts then started: “I am indeed honored to be here this evening to continue the political crusade in this the year of change. But I must pause and thank Almighty God for bringing us safely into a new year, and I wish that His presence be with all of us as we journey through this new year, in faith, for the betterment of Anguilla and for the advancement of one’s self.”
In proceeding, he sought to state his plan of action should he be elected to serve the people of Anguilla. He stressed that, as a people, Anguillians must change their approach on how they deal with one another in an effort to stem the wave of violence in their country.
Mr. Roberts continued: “Friends, I am here to announce that your Anguilla Progressive Movement team is ready for governance. We intend to lead the people of Anguillla to a new renaissance where you can live out your dreams, and where together we can push this nation to its fullest potential.
“Our message is about transformation and hope — and critical to these — it is about peace. We all must acknowledge that these are indeed challenging times. This is a time and place where we see, in real time, how the soul of our nation is being eaten away. It is important that we, as a people, now come together and recapture the conscience of our communities. Indeed, when we speak about change from this rostrum, it is not only about regular governance, but we must focus on the way we deal with each other, respect each other, and communicate with each other. These are critical when we refer to change.”
Mr. Roberts said that if we are to avoid the violence and the hurt of the day — the crime that occasionally distresses our people — the Anguillians’ mentality must change. He went on: “As a son, as a brother, an uncle, a friend, and as a person who is involved in representational politics, for and on your behalf, and in your name, I will seek to play my part in ensuring our peace. I do this because I am part of this community and this community is a part of me.” (Horns and loud applause.)
The people in attendance rallied around Candidate Roberts and the APU team led by Dr. Ellis Lorenzo Webster. The crowd, which was magnetically latched on to the slogan, “Change can’t wait”, repeatedly shouted the mantra of a secondary slogan for the APM camp: “Five votes, five boats”. With the APM’s symbol being a boat, this slogan encourages the electorate to vote for the APM’s candidate in the constituency (in this case Jerome Roberts) plus the four at-large candidates on the APM’s slate, namely: Kennedy Hodge, Kenneth Hodge, Kyle Hodge and Quincia Gumbs-Marie.
– Staff Reporter, James R. Harrigan