JNH Academy would like to take this opportunity to thank its sponsors for making their participation in the Maq Cricket / Adam Sanford Ten/10 Cricket Tournament possible over the Weekend of 8th to 10th November 2019 at the Carib Lumber Ball Park in Philipsburge St. Maarten.
There were four Teams participating for a Ten Thousand Dollars Cash prize. Simpson Bay Pelican, Marigot Tigers, Philipburge Rhinos and Dutch Quarter Eagles. The Anguillian Team played as the Dutch Quarter Eagles.
The event was competitive and the players represented themselves well.
At the end of it Simpson Bay Pelican emerge the Winners, Dutch Quarter Eagles Second and Philipburge Rhinos Third.
The prizes that were allotted were
1st Place $5,000.00US
2nd Place $2,500.00US
3rd Place $1,000.00 US
There were also consolation prizes
$50.00US for the first six of the Innnings
$50.00US for every six in the Final Match.
This is the second time that JNH Academy were able to participate in such an event and is looking forward to participating in furture events. This opportunity would not have been possible without the help of our sponsors Nagico Insurance, Zarna Brokerage, Grieg’s Trucking and ANEMOS.
JNH Academy thank you for your partnership and sacrifice as we aim to assist our Cricket players to develope themselves in the sport that they love.
Thank you very much.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)