The name of Herchel Gumbs, a former and deceased resident, sloop captain and businessman of the historic upper Valley, as well as, his family home, have been thoughtfully preserved and used. This has come about with the conversion and renaming of that home as a long-needed Community Support Centre for the Valley area.
The Valley, comprising North Valley, South Valley and other adjoining neighbourhoods, accounts for the largest population in Anguilla buts unlike various parts of the island, it has been without a community centre until now.
A project of the Department of Youth and Culture – the Herchel Gumbs Community Support Centre was officially opened on Thursday, November 14. The chairperson , Ms. Kafi Gumbs, a resident of the area and Board member, told the gathering: “Welcome to the beginning of transformation of young minds and attitudes. Welcome to the molding or re-shaping of how our young people handle social affairs and the creative process. Welcome to innovative learning.”
Ms. Gumbs continued: “This centre will be a place where children and adults can come to get academic and technical support in numerous areas including Internal Assessments, English, Maths, and the use of computers just to name a few. Welcome to a centre that will provide support for older people – people with disabilities , and for young people within our community – a safe haven for youths at risks.”
Speaking on behalf of the Minister of Social Development, Parliamentary Secretary, Mr. Cardigan Connor, said the Ministry had embarked on an initiative to provide services for young people based on the establishment of partnership with the host communities. “The Valley community is the largest population area on the island, amounting to approximately 20% of the total population”, he stated. “A need for a centre to focus on community and youth development, led by the community and supported by the Government, is critical.
“For years, the Ministry and the Department of Youth and Culture have been engaging members of The Valley Community to discuss the issues affecting the community – issues related to young people in the community as well as the option for addressing them.” Mr. Connor added: “In their engagement, The Valley Community members have highlighted three critical areas of focus: community togetherness and pride; sustainable livelihood for young people; and the wellbeing and peaceful co-existence of young people with in the community.”
Premier Victor Banks, the Elected Representative for Valley South, was pleased that the community had “become involved in the centre and requested support to make it operational.”
“The Herchel Gumbs Community Support Centre was accredited as an organization of distinction in 2019 – the highest rating.” she observed.
“This centre will play a very important role in the lives of our children and young people – and the adults of The Valley community and its vicinities. We are grateful for the hard work of the members of the Board, Advisers and the Centre Manager, Mrs. Melsadis Octavia Fleming.”

Mr. Ken Banks, Adviser to the Board, said the centre was a long journey by a number of dedicated groups and individuals, from The Valley, who saw the need for such a facility and had a desire to see the direction of the community change for the better. “We recognize that young people need positive role models in their lives. No matter how they appear to rebel, the love and attention of caring adults always make a difference, “ he stressed. He named and expressed thanks to the various groups and individuals who assisted with the establishment of the centre.
The Vote of Thanks was delivered by Mrs. Fleming, the Centre Manager, who recently retired as Deputy Principal of Campus B of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School.
The opening prayer was delivered by Rev. Dr. Wycherley Cumbs, Superintendent Minister of the Anguilla Methodist Circuit.