The Royal Anguilla Police Force is appreciative and grateful for the approval rating it has received from a Customer Service Survey which was conducted recently with members of the public.
Inspector Randolph Yearwood has responsibility for the Corporate Development Department of the Police Force dealing with customer service. He visited The Anguillian newspaper on Wednesday, November 20, to speak about the department, a customer service survey and other related matters.
“This is one of two new departments that were formed in October last year. The other department that was formed was the Professional Standards Department,” he explained. My area, which is the Corporate Development Department is like the memory bank for the Force and we are responsible for improvement. Some of the things we look at included data collected from various departments and we analysed them. It shows ways in which we are falling and where we are strong. This helps us to implement measures to enhance the improvement of the Force.”
Inspector Yearwood continued: “One of the things we looked at is to improve the service delivery to the public through what we call a Customer Service Survey. Basically, it is done by the Inspector, Operations; the Inspector, Criminal Investigation Department; and the Superintendent, Operations. The survey is done with the use of a form which asks questions to be filled.”
He stressed that the Force wants to know that it keeps the public well-informed such as when a report is made to the police that it is dealt with adequately and the required feedback is provided. He said the effort is not only to demonstrate the quality of service being given by simply responding to the needs of the public, but the survey form has a grading system numbering 1 to 5 as follows: 1 poor; 2 below expectations; 3 met expectations; 4 exceed expectations; and 5 excellent.
The Inspector reported that three surveys were done so far – the first in January/February; the second in April/May and the third, October/November. He went on: “The Officers I mentioned interviewed 23 persons asking a total of 423 questions. In analysing the questionnaires, I found that we had a 91% rating with respect to overall initial contact with persons saying we met expectations up to excellent. We had a 7% rating below expectations or poor. From that data, we can see that we are doing pretty good in that area and we want to thank members of the public for their cooperation.
“We also looked at the initial response of the police [in terms of time etc]; and 93% of persons interviewed said we met expectations up to a rating of excellent. Only 4% said our response was below expectations. So, again, we can see we are doing pretty good in that area. In the overall rating of keeping the public informed, we were given 73% – which is still a good percentage. On the other hand, 16% said we were below expectations. In terms of overall quality of service, 97% of the public said we met expectations up to excellent.”
The Police Inspector also gave comparisons of survey figures over the past months which showed the performance of the Force excelling in the areas of response, customer service and quality of service.
Inspector Yearwood repeated his appreciation and gratitude to all members of the public who participated in the Customer Service Survey and has assured them of continued good service.